Senin, 25 April 2011






Venerable Brethren, Health and Apostolic Blessing.

From the earliest ages of the catholic church a Christian people, whether in time of triumph or more especially in time of crisis, has addressed prayers of petition and hymns of praise and veneration to the Queen of Heaven. And never has that hope wavered which they placed in the Mother of the Divine King, Jesus Christ; nor has that faith ever failed by which we are taught that Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, reigns with a mother's solicitude over the entire world, just as she is crowned in heavenly blessedness with the glory of a Queen.

Dari usia awal gereja katolik orang Kristen, baik di waktu kemenangan atau lebih terutama di saat krisis, telah menjawab doa-doa permohonan dan himne pujian dan penghormatan kepada Ratu Surga. Dan tidak pernah memiliki harapan itu goyah yang mereka ditempatkan di Ibu Raja Ilahi, Yesus Kristus, atau memiliki iman yang pernah gagal dengan mana kita diajarkan bahwa Maria, Bunda Perawan dari Allah, memerintah dengan keprihatinan seorang ibu atas seluruh dunia, sama seperti dia dimahkotai di surga berkat dengan kemuliaan dari Ratu.

2. Following upon the frightful calamities which before Our very eyes have reduced flourishing cities, towns, and villages to ruins, We see to Our sorrow that many great moral evils are being spread abroad in what may be described as a violent flood. Occasionally We behold justice giving way; and, on the one hand and the other, the victory of the powers of corruption. The threat of this fearful crisis fills Us with a great anguish, and so with confidence We have recourse to Mary Our Queen, making known to her those sentiments of filial reverence which are not Ours alone, but which belong to all those who glory in the name of Christian.

2. Setelah pada bencana mengerikan yang di depan mata kami telah mengurangi kota-kota berkembang, kota, dan desa-desa untuk reruntuhan, Kita melihat kesedihan kami bahwa banyak kejahatan moral yang besar sedang tersebar di luar negeri dalam apa yang mungkin digambarkan sebagai banjir kekerasan. Kadang-kadang Kita lihatlah cara memberikan keadilan, dan, di satu sisi dan yang lain, kemenangan kekuasaan korupsi. Ancaman dari krisis takut mengisi Kami dengan penderitaan yang hebat, dan sebagainya dengan keyakinan Kami meminta bantuan kepada Maria Ratu kami, membuat diketahui orang dia sentimen penghormatan berbakti yang tidak Ours sendiri, tapi yang milik semua orang yang kemuliaan di nama Kristen.

3. It is gratifying to recall that We ourselves, on the first day of November of the Holy Year 1950, before a huge multitude of Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and of the faithful who had assembled from every part of the world, defined the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven[1] where she is present in soul and body reigning, together with her only[1a] Son, amid the heavenly choirs of angels and Saints. Moreover, since almost a century has passed since Our predecessor of immortal memory, Pius IX, proclaimed and defined the dogma that the great Mother of God had been conceived without any stain of original sin, We instituted the current Marian Year[2] And now it is a great consolation to Us to see great multitudes here in Rome - and especially in the Liberian Basilica - giving testimony in a striking way to their faith and ardent love for their heavenly Mother. In all parts of the world We learn that devotion to the Virgin Mother of God is flourishing more and more, and that the principal shrines of Mary have been visited and are still being visited by many throngs of Catholic pilgrims gathered in prayer. 

3. Hal ini menyenangkan untuk mengingat bahwa Kita sendiri, pada hari pertama bulan November Tahun Kudus 1950, sebelum banyak besar Kardinal, Uskup, imam, dan umat beriman yang dirakit dari setiap bagian dunia, mendefinisikan dogma Asumsi dari Santa Perawan Maria ke surga [1] di mana dia hadir dalam jiwa dan tubuh memerintah, bersama dengan satu-satunya [1a] Putra, di tengah paduan suara surgawi para malaikat dan Orang Suci. Selain itu, karena hampir satu abad telah berlalu sejak pendahulu kami memori abadi, Pius IX, diproklamasikan dan mendefinisikan dogma bahwa Bunda Allah yang besar telah dikandung tanpa noda dosa asal, Kami melembagakan Tahun Marian saat ini [2] Dan sekarang itu adalah penghiburan yang besar kepada Kami untuk melihat orang banyak yang besar di sini di Roma - dan terutama di Basilika Liberia - memberikan kesaksian dalam cara yang mencolok untuk iman mereka dan cinta bersemangat untuk surgawi Ibu mereka. Di semua bagian dunia Kita belajar bahwa devosi kepada Bunda Perawan Allah berkembang lebih dan lebih, dan bahwa kuil utama Maria telah dikunjungi dan masih dikunjungi oleh banyak kerumunan peziarah Katolik berkumpul dalam doa.

4. It is well known that we have taken advantage of every opportunity - through personal audiences and radio broadcasts - to exhort Our children in Christ to a strong and tender love, as becomes children, for Our most gracious and exalted Mother. On this point it is particularly fitting to call to mind the radio message which We addressed to the people of Portugal, when the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary which is venerated at Fatima was being crowned with a golden diadem.[3] We Ourselves called this the heralding of the "sovereignty" of Mary.[4] 

4. Hal ini juga diketahui bahwa kita telah mengambil keuntungan dari setiap kesempatan - melalui pemirsa pribadi dan siaran radio - untuk menasihati Anak-anak kita di dalam Kristus untuk cinta yang kuat dan lembut, seperti menjadi anak-anak, untuk kami Ibu yang paling ramah dan ditinggikan. Pada titik ini sangat cocok untuk panggilan ke pikiran pesan radio yang Kami ditujukan kepada orang-orang dari Portugal, ketika citra ajaib dari Perawan Maria yang dihormati di Fatima sedang dimahkotai dengan mahkota emas. [3] Kami Diri disebut gemborkan ini yang dari "kedaulatan" Maria. [4]

5. And now, that We may bring the Year of Mary to a happy and beneficial conclusion, and in response to petitions which have come to Us from all over the world, We have decided to institute the liturgical feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen. This will afford a climax, as it were, to the manifold demonstrations of Our devotion to Mary, which the Christian people have supported with such enthusiasm. 

5. Dan sekarang, supaya Kami membawa Tahun Maria pada kesimpulan yang bahagia dan bermanfaat, dan dalam menanggapi petisi yang telah datang kepada Kami dari seluruh dunia, Kami telah memutuskan untuk lembaga hari raya liturgi dari Santa Perawan Maria, Ratu. Ini akan mampu klimaks, seakan-akan, dengan demonstrasi manifold pengabdian kami kepada Maria, mana orang-orang Kristen telah didukung dengan antusiasme tersebut.

6. In this matter We do not wish to propose a new truth to be believed by Christians, since the title and the arguments on which Mary's queenly dignity is based have already been clearly set forth, and are to be found in ancient documents of the Church and in the books of the sacred liturgy. 

6. Dalam hal ini Kita tidak ingin mengajukan kebenaran baru bisa dipercaya oleh orang Kristen, karena judul dan argumen yang martabat ratu Maria didasarkan telah jelas ditetapkan, dan dapat ditemukan dalam dokumen kuno Gereja dan dalam buku liturgi suci.

7. It is Our pleasure to recall these things in the present encyclical letter, that We may renew the praises of Our heavenly Mother, and enkindle a more fervent devotion towards her, to the spiritual benefit of all mankind. 

7. Ini adalah kesenangan kita untuk mengingat hal-hal ini dalam surat ensiklik ini, supaya Kami memperbaharui memuji surgawi kami Ibu, dan mengapi sebuah pengabdian yang lebih kuat ke arahnya, untuk kepentingan spiritual seluruh umat manusia.
8. From early times Christians have believed, and not without reason, that she of whom was born the Son of the Most High received privileges of grace above all other beings created by God. He "will reign in the house of Jacob forever,"[5] "the Prince of Peace,"[6] the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords."[7] And when Christians reflected upon the intimate connection that obtains between a mother and a son, they readily acknowledged the supreme royal dignity of the Mother of God.

8. Dari awal kali orang Kristen percaya, dan bukan tanpa alasan, bahwa ia yang melahirkan Anak hak istimewa yang diterima Maha Tinggi dari kasih karunia di atas semua makhluk lain yang dibuat oleh Allah. Dia "akan memerintah di rumah Yakub selama-lamanya," [5] "Raja Damai," [6] "Raja segala raja dan Tuhan segala tuhan." [7] Dan ketika orang Kristen tercermin pada hubungan intim yang mendapatkan antara seorang ibu dan anak, mereka siap mengakui martabat kerajaan tertinggi Bunda Allah.

9. Hence it is not surprising that the early writers of the Church called Mary "the Mother of the King" and "the Mother of the Lord," basing their stand on the words of St. Gabriel the archangel, who foretold that the Son of Mary would reign forever,[8] and on the words of Elizabeth who greeted her with reverence and called her "the Mother of my Lord."[9] Thereby they clearly signified that she derived a certain eminence and exalted station from the royal dignity of her Son. 

9. Oleh karena itu tidak mengherankan bahwa para penulis awal Gereja bernama Maria "Ibu Raja" dan "Ibu Tuhan," mendasarkan berdiri mereka pada kata-kata St Gabriel penghulu malaikat, yang menubuatkan bahwa Anak Maria akan memerintah selamanya, [8] dan pada kata-kata Elizabeth yang menyambutnya dengan hormat dan memanggilnya "Ibu Tuhanku." [9] Dengan demikian mereka jelas menandakan bahwa ia berasal suatu bukit tertentu dan stasiun yang mulia dari martabat kerajaan Putra-nya.

10. So it is that St. Ephrem, burning with poetic inspiration, represents her as speaking in this way: "Let Heaven sustain me in its embrace, because I am honored above it. For heaven was not Thy mother, but Thou hast made it Thy throne. How much more honorable and venerable than the throne of a king is her mother."[10] And in another place he thus prays to her: ". . . Majestic and Heavenly Maid, Lady, Queen, protect and keep me under your wing lest Satan the sower of destruction glory over me, lest my wicked foe be victorious against me."[11]

10. Jadi itu adalah bahwa St Efrem, terbakar dengan inspirasi puitis, mewakili dirinya sebagai berbicara dengan cara ini: "Mari Surga mempertahankan aku dalam Surat merangkul, karena saya merasa terhormat di atasnya Untuk surga itu bukan ibu-Mu, tetapi Engkau membuatnya Mu. . takhta Berapa banyak lebih terhormat dan mulia daripada tahta raja adalah ibunya "[10] Dan di tempat lain sehingga ia berdoa padanya:".... Majestic dan Surgawi Pembantu, Lady, Ratu, melindungi dan menjaga saya di bawah sayap Anda jangan Setan si penabur kemuliaan kehancuran di atasku, supaya jangan musuh jahat saya akan menang terhadap saya. "[11]

11. St. Gregory Nazianzen calls Mary "the Mother of the King of the universe," and the "Virgin Mother who brought forth the King of the whole world,"[12] while Prudentius asserts that the Mother marvels "that she has brought forth God as man, and even as Supreme King."[13]

11. St Gregory Nazianze panggilan Maria "Bunda Raja alam semesta," dan "Perawan Ibu yang melahirkan Raja seluruh dunia," [12] sementara Prudentius menegaskan bahwa Ibu keajaiban "bahwa dia telah melahirkan Allah sebagai manusia, dan bahkan sebagai Maha Raja ". [13]

12. And this royal dignity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is quite clearly indicated through direct assertion by those who call her "Lady," "Ruler" and "Queen."

12. Dan ini martabat kerajaan dari Santa Perawan Maria adalah cukup jelas ditunjukkan melalui pernyataan langsung oleh mereka yang menyebut dirinya "Lady," "Penguasa" dan "Queen."

13. In one of the homilies attributed to Origen, Elizabeth calls Mary "the Mother of my Lord." and even addresses her as "Thou, my Lady."[14]

13. Dalam salah satu homili dikaitkan dengan Origenes, Elizabeth menyebut Maria "Ibu Tuhanku." dan bahkan alamat dia sebagai "Engkau, saya Lady." [14]

14. The same thing is found in the writings of St. Jerome where he makes the following statement amidst various interpretations of Mary's name: "We should realize that Mary means Lady in the Syrian Language."[15] After him St. Chrysologus says the same thing more explicitly in these words: "The Hebrew word 'Mary' means 'Domina.' The Angel therefore addresses her as 'Lady' to preclude all servile fear in the Lord's Mother, who was born and was called 'Lady' by the authority and command of her own Son."[16]

14. Hal yang sama ditemukan dalam tulisan-tulisan St Jerome di mana ia membuat interpretasi di tengah-tengah berbagai pernyataan berikut nama Maria: [15] Setelah dia St Chrysologus mengatakan hal yang sama "Kita harus menyadari bahwa Maria berarti Lady dalam bahasa Suriah." hal yang lebih eksplisit dalam kata-kata: "Kata Ibrani 'Maria' berarti 'Domina." Malaikat itu alamat dirinya sebagai 'Lady' untuk menghalangi semua ketakutan budak dalam Tuhan Ibu, yang lahir dan disebut 'Lady' oleh otoritas dan komando Putranya sendiri. "[16]

15. Moreover Epiphanius, the bishop of Constantinople, writing to the Sovereign Pontiff Hormisdas, says that we should pray that the unity of the Church may be preserved "by the grace of the holy and consubstantial Trinity and by the prayers of Mary, Our Lady, the holy and glorious Virgin and Mother of God."[17]

15. Selain itu Epifanius, uskup Konstantinopel, menulis kepada Paus Penguasa Hormisdas, mengatakan bahwa kita harus berdoa bahwa persatuan Gereja dapat dipertahankan "oleh kasih karunia Trinitas suci, bersatu dan dengan doa-doa Maria, Bunda Maria, yang kudus dan Perawan yang mulia dan Bunda Allah ". [17]

16. The Blessed Virgin, sitting at the right hand of God to pray for us is hailed by another writer of that same era in these words, "the Queen[17a] of mortal man, the most holy Mother of God."[18]

16. Perawan Maria, duduk di sebelah kanan Allah untuk berdoa bagi kita dipuji oleh penulis lain dari era yang sama dengan kata-kata, "Ratu [17a] manusia fana, Bunda yang paling suci Allah." [18]

17. St. Andrew of Crete frequently attributes the dignity of a Queen to the Virgin Mary. For example, he writes, "Today He transports from her earthly dwelling, as Queen of the human race, His ever-Virgin Mother, from whose womb He, the living God, took on human form."[19]

17. St Andrew Kreta sering atribut martabat dari Ratu Perawan Maria. Sebagai contoh, ia menulis, "Hari ini Dia transport dari tempat tinggal duniawi nya, sebagai Ratu dari ras manusia, pernah Nya-Virgin Ibu, dari yang rahim Dia, Allah yang hidup, mengambil bentuk manusia." [19]

18. And in another place he speaks of "the Queen of the entire human race faithful to the exact meaning of her name, who is exalted above all things save only God himself."[20]

18. Dan di tempat lain dia berbicara tentang "Ratu yang setia seluruh ras manusia ke makna yang tepat dari namanya, yang ditinggikan di atas segala sesuatu kecuali hanya Allah sendiri." [20]

19. Likewise St. Germanus speaks to the humble Virgin in these words: "Be enthroned, Lady, for it is fitting that you should sit in an exalted place since you are a Queen and glorious above all kings."[21] He likewise calls her the "Queen of all of those who dwell on earth."[22]

19. Demikian juga St Germanus berbicara kepada Perawan rendah hati dalam kata: ". Jadilah bertahta, Lady, karena pas bahwa Anda harus duduk di tempat yang mulia karena Anda adalah Ratu dan mulia di atas segala raja" [21] Ia juga panggilan nya "Ratu dari semua mereka yang diam di bumi." [22]

19. Demikian juga St Germanus berbicara kepada Perawan rendah hati dalam kata: ". Jadilah bertahta, Lady, karena pas bahwa Anda harus duduk di tempat yang mulia karena Anda adalah Ratu dan mulia di atas segala raja" [21] Ia juga panggilan nya "Ratu dari semua mereka yang diam di bumi." [22]

20. She is called by St. John Damascene "Queen, ruler, and lady,"[23] and also "the Queen of every creature."[24] Another ancient writer of the Eastern Church calls her "favored Queen," "the perpetual Queen beside the King, her son," whose "snow-white brow is crowned with a golden diadem."[25]

20. Dia disebut oleh St John Damaskus "Ratu, penggaris, dan wanita," [23] dan juga "Ratu segala makhluk." [24] lain penulis kuno Gereja Timur disebutnya "disukai Queen," "yang abadi ratu di samping Raja, anaknya, "yang" Alis-putih salju dimahkotai dengan mahkota emas. "[25]

21. And finally St. Ildephonsus of Toledo gathers together almost all of her titles of honor in this salutation: "O my Lady, my Sovereign, You who rule over me, Mother of my Lord . . . Lady among handmaids, Queen among sisters."[26]

21. Dan akhirnya St Ildephonsus dari Toledo mengumpulkan bersama hampir semua judul buku nya kehormatan dalam salam ini: ".... O Lady saya, Berdaulat saya, Anda yang memerintah saya, Ibu dari Tuhanku Lady antara handmaids, Ratu antara saudara" [26]

22. The theologians of the Church, deriving their teaching from these and almost innumerable other testimonies handed down long ago, have called the most Blessed Virgin the Queen of all creatures, the Queen of the world, and the Ruler of all.

22. Para teolog Gereja, pengajaran mereka berasal dari ini dan kesaksian lainnya hampir tak terhitung dijatuhkan lama, telah disebut paling Perawan Maria Ratu dari semua makhluk, Ratu dunia, dan Penguasa segala sesuatu.

23. The Supreme Shepherds of the Church have considered it their duty to promote by eulogy and exhortation the devotion of the Christian people to the heavenly Mother and Queen. Simply passing over the documents of more recent Pontiffs, it is helpful to recall that as early as the seventh century Our predecessor St. Martin I called Mary "our glorious Lady, ever Virgin."[27] St. Agatho, in the synodal letter sent to the fathers of the Sixth Ecumenical Council called her "Our Lady, truly and in a proper sense the Mother of God."[28] And in the eighth century Gregory II in the letter sent to St. Germanus, the patriarch, and read in the Seventh Ecumenical Council with all the Fathers concurring, called the Mother of God: "The Queen of all, the true Mother of God," and also "the Queen of all Christians."[29]

23. Para Gembala Agung Gereja telah menganggap tugas mereka untuk mempromosikan oleh pidato dan nasihat pengabdian dari orang-orang Kristen ke surga Ibu dan Ratu. Cukup melewati dokumen Paus lebih baru, akan sangat membantu untuk mengingat bahwa pada awal abad ketujuh pendahulu kami St Martin saya bernama Maria "Lady mulia kita, selalu Virgin." [27] St Agatho, dalam surat synodal dikirim ke ayah dari Konsili Ekumenis Keenam memanggilnya "Bunda Maria, benar-benar dan dalam arti yang tepat Bunda Allah." [28] Dan pada abad kedelapan Gregorius II dalam surat yang dikirim ke St Germanus, bapa bangsa, dan dibaca dalam Ketujuh Konsili Ekumenis dengan semua para Bapa concurring, disebut Bunda Allah: "The Queen dari semua, Bunda Tuhan yang benar," dan juga [29] "Ratu semua orang Kristen."

24. We wish also to recall that Our predecessor of immortal memory, Sixtus IV, touched favorably upon the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, beginning the Apostolic Letter Cum praeexcelsa[30] with words in which Mary is called "Queen," "Who is always vigilant to intercede with the king whom she bore." Benedict XIV declared the same thing in his Apostolic Letter Gloriosae Dominae, in which Mary is called "Queen of heaven and earth," and it is stated that the sovereign King has in some way communicated to her his ruling power.[31]

24. Kami ingin juga untuk mengingat bahwa pendahulu kami memori abadi, Siktus IV, menyentuh positif atas doktrin Immaculate Conception dari Perawan Maria, awal Surat Apostolik praeexcelsa Cum [30] dengan kata-kata di mana Maria disebut "Queen," " yang selalu waspada untuk bersyafaat dengan raja yang dia membosankan. " Benediktus XIV menyatakan hal yang sama dalam bukunya Surat Apostolik Gloriosae Dominae, di mana Maria disebut "Ratu langit dan bumi," dan dinyatakan bahwa Raja berdaulat telah dalam beberapa cara dikomunikasikan kepada kekuasaan yang berkuasa itu. [31]

25. For all these reasons St. Alphonsus Ligouri, in collecting the testimony of past ages, writes these words with evident devotion: "Because the virgin Mary was raised to such a lofty dignity as to be the mother of the King of kings, it is deservedly and by every right that the Church has honored her with the title of 'Queen'."[32]

25. Untuk semua alasan ini St Alfonsus Ligouri, dalam mengumpulkan kesaksian dari masa lampau, menulis kata-kata dengan pengabdian jelas: "Karena perawan Maria diangkat ke suatu martabat luhur untuk menjadi ibu dari Raja segala raja, itu sepatutnya dan oleh setiap kanan bahwa Gereja menghormati nya dengan judul 'Queen' ". [32]

26. Furthermore, the sacred liturgy, which acts as a faithful reflection of traditional doctrine believed by the Christian people through the course of all the ages both in the East and in the West, has sung the praises of the heavenly Queen and continues to sing them.

26. Selanjutnya, liturgi suci, yang bertindak sebagai cerminan setia doktrin tradisional diyakini oleh orang-orang Kristen melalui kursus semua usia baik di Timur dan di Barat, telah menyanyikan pujian dari Ratu surgawi dan terus bernyanyi mereka.

27. Ardent voices from the East sing out: "O Mother of God, today thou art carried into heaven on the chariots of the cherubim, the seraphim wait upon thee and the ranks of the heavenly army bow before thee."[33]

27. Bersemangat suara dari Timur bernyanyi keluar: [33] "Ya Bunda Allah, hari ini engkau dibawa ke surga di dalam kereta dari kerub, serafim menunggu atasmu dan jajaran busur tentara surgawi sebelum kamu."

28. Further: "O just, O most blessed (Joseph), since thou art sprung from a royal line, thou hast been chosen from among all mankind to be spouse of the pure Queen who, in a way which defies description, will give birth to Jesus the king."[34] In addition: "I shall sing a hymn to the mother, the Queen, whom I joyously approach in praise, gladly celebrating her wonders in song. . . Our tongue cannot worthily praise thee, O Lady; for thou who hast borne Christ the king art exalted above the seraphim. . . Hail, O Queen of the world; hail, O Mary, Queen of us all."[35]

28. Lebih lanjut: "O saja, O paling diberkati (Yusuf), karena engkau cucu dari garis kerajaan, engkau telah dipilih dari antara semua manusia untuk menjadi pasangan dari Ratu murni yang, dalam cara yang bertentangan dengan deskripsi, akan melahirkan Yesus raja "[34] Sebagai tambahan:" Aku akan menyanyikan nyanyian untuk ibu, Ratu, yang saya gembira pendekatan dalam pujian, dengan senang hati merayakan keajaiban di lagu lidah kita tidak bisa layak memuji-muji Engkau, ya Lady;.... untuk kamu yang engkau ditanggung Kristus seni raja yang ditinggikan di atas serafim Salam, hai Ratu dunia;.... hujan es, hai Maria, Ratu kita semua "[35]

29. We read, moreover, in the Ethiopic Missal: "O Mary, center of the whole world, . . . thou art greater than the many-eyed cherubim and the six-winged seraphim . . . Heaven and earth are filled with the sanctity of thy glory."[36]

29. Kita membaca, apalagi, dalam Missale Ethiopia: "Hai Maryam, pusat seluruh dunia, Engkau lebih besar dari banyak kerub bermata dan seraphim bersayap enam Surga dan bumi dipenuhi dengan kesucian...... kemuliaan-Mu ". [36]

30. Furthermore, the Latin Church sings that sweet and ancient prayer called the "Hail, Holy Queen" and the lovely antiphons "Hail, Queen of the Heavens," "O Queen of Heaven, Rejoice," and those others which we are accustomed to recite on feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary: "The Queen stood at Thy right hand in golden vesture surrounded with beauty"[37]; "Heaven and earth praise thee as a powerful Queen"[38]; "Today the Virgin Mary ascends into heaven: rejoice because she reigns with Christ forever."[39]

30. Selain itu, Gereja Latin bernyanyi bahwa doa manis dan kuno disebut "Salam, Kudus Queen" dan antifon indah "Salam, Ratu dari surga," "O Ratu Surga, Bersukacitalah," dan mereka yang lainnya yang kami terbiasa untuk mengucapkan pada hari raya Santa Perawan Maria: "Sang Ratu berdiri di sebelah kanan-Mu di jubah emas dikelilingi dengan keindahan" [37]; "Langit dan bumi memuji Engkau sebagai Ratu kuat" [38]; "Hari ini Perawan Maria naik ke surga : bersukacita karena ia memerintah dengan Kristus selama-lamanya "[39].

31. To these and others should be added the Litany of Loreto which daily invites Christian folk to call upon Mary as Queen. Likewise, for many centuries past Christians have been accustomed to meditate upon the ruling power of Mary which embraces heaven and earth, when they consider the fifth glorious mystery of the rosary which can be called the mystical crown of the heavenly Queen.

31. Untuk ini dan lainnya harus ditambahkan dalam Litani Loreto yang sehari-hari mengundang rakyat Kristen untuk memanggil Maria sebagai Ratu. Demikian juga, selama berabad-abad orang Kristen terakhir telah terbiasa merenungkan berkuasa Maria yang mencakup langit dan bumi, ketika mereka mempertimbangkan misteri mulia kelima dari rosario yang dapat disebut mahkota mistik dari Ratu surgawi.

32. Finally, art which is based upon Christian principles and is animated by their spirit as something faithfully interpreting the sincere and freely expressed devotion of the faithful, has since the Council of Ephesus portrayed Mary as Queen and Empress seated upon a royal throne adorned with royal insignia, crowned with the royal diadem and surrounded by the host of angels and saints in heaven, and ruling not only over nature and its powers but also over the machinations of Satan. Iconography, in representing the royal dignity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has ever been enriched with works of highest artistic value and greatest beauty; it has even taken the form of representing colorfully the divine Redeemer crowning His mother with a resplendent diadem.

32. Akhirnya, seni yang didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip Kristen dan animasi oleh semangat mereka sebagai sesuatu yang setia menafsirkan pengabdian tulus dan bebas menyatakan umat beriman, telah sejak Konsili Efesus digambarkan Maria sebagai Ratu dan Ratu duduk di atas takhta kerajaan dihiasi dengan lambang kerajaan , dimahkotai dengan mahkota kerajaan dan dikelilingi oleh tentara malaikat dan orang kudus dalam surga, dan tidak hanya berkuasa atas alam dan kekuasaan, tetapi juga atas intrik setan. Ikonografi, dalam mewakili martabat kerajaan dari Santa Perawan Maria, yang pernah diperkaya dengan karya nilai seni tertinggi dan keindahan terbesar, tetapi bahkan mengambil bentuk warna-warni mewakili ibu ilahi Penebus mahkota-Nya dengan mahkota gemilang.

33. The Roman Pontiffs, favoring such types of popular devotion, have often crowned, either in their own persons, or through representatives, images of the Virgin Mother of God which were already outstanding by reason of public veneration.

33. Para Paus Roma, mendukung jenis seperti pengabdian populer, sering dimahkotai, baik dalam orang-orang mereka sendiri, atau melalui perwakilan, gambar Bunda Allah Perawan yang sudah beredar dengan alasan pemujaan publik.

34. As We have already mentioned, Venerable Brothers, according to ancient tradition and the sacred liturgy the main principle on which the royal dignity of Mary rests is without doubt her Divine Motherhood. In Holy Writ, concerning the Son whom Mary will conceive, We read this sentence: "He shall be called the Son of the most High, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father, and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end,"[40] and in addition Mary is called "Mother of the Lord";[41] from this it is easily concluded that she is a Queen, since she bore a son who, at the very moment of His conception, because of the hypostatic union of the human nature with the Word, was also as man King and Lord of all things. So with complete justice St. John Damascene could write: "When she became Mother of the Creator, she truly became Queen of every creature."[42] Likewise, it can be said that the heavenly voice of the Archangel Gabriel was the first to proclaim Mary's royal office.

34. Sebagaimana Kami telah menyebutkan, Mulia Brothers, menurut tradisi kuno dan liturgi suci prinsip utama di mana martabat kerajaan Maria bersandar ini tanpa diragukan lagi dia Ilahi Keibuan. Dalam Kitab Suci, tentang Anak siapa Maria akan mengandung, Kita membaca kalimat ini: "Ia akan disebut Anak yang paling tinggi, dan Tuhan Tuhan akan memberikan kepada-Nya takhta Daud, ayahnya, dan ia akan memerintah sebagai raja di rumah Yakub selamanya, dan kerajaannya akan ada akhir, "[40] dan di samping Maria disebut" Ibu Tuhan "; [41] dari ini mudah disimpulkan bahwa dia adalah Ratu, sejak dia melahirkan seorang putra yang, pada saat yang sangat pembuahan Nya, karena kesatuan hipostatik sifat manusia dengan Firman, juga sebagai manusia Raja dan Tuhan segala sesuatu. Jadi dengan lengkap keadilan St John Damaskus bisa menulis: ". Ketika ia menjadi Bunda Sang Pencipta, ia benar-benar menjadi Ratu dari segala makhluk" [42] Demikian pula, dapat dikatakan bahwa suara surgawi dari malaikat Jibril adalah yang pertama menyatakan kantor kerajaan Mary.

35. But the Blessed Virgin Mary should be called Queen, not only because of her Divine Motherhood, but also because God has willed her to have an exceptional role in the work of our eternal salvation. "What more joyful, what sweeter thought can we have" - as Our Predecessor of happy memory, Pius XI wrote - "than that Christ is our King not only by natural right, but also by an acquired right: that which He won by the redemption? Would that all men, now forgetful of how much we cost Our Savior, might recall to mind the words, 'You were redeemed, not with gold or silver which perishes, . . . but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb spotless and undefiled.[43] We belong not to ourselves now, since Christ has bought us 'at a great price'."[44], [45]

35. Tetapi Santa Perawan Maria harus disebut Ratu, bukan hanya karena dia Ilahi Ibu, tetapi juga karena Allah telah menghendaki dia memiliki peran yang luar biasa dalam karya keselamatan kekal kita. "Apa lagi yang menyenangkan, pikir apa yang manis yang bisa kita memiliki" - sebagai kami Pendahulu memori bahagia, Pius XI menulis - "daripada bahwa Kristus adalah Raja kami tidak hanya oleh hak alam, tetapi juga oleh hak yang diperoleh: bahwa yang Ia memenangkan oleh penebusan? Apakah itu semua orang, sekarang lupa berapa banyak biaya yang kami Juruselamat kita, mungkin mengingat bahwa kata-kata, 'Anda telah ditebus, bukan dengan emas atau perak yang binasa,... melainkan dengan darah Kristus, pada seekor Anak Domba tanpa noda dan bersih [43] Kami tidak milik diri kita sekarang, karena Kristus telah membeli kita 'dengan harga yang mahal'.. "[44], [45]

36. Now, in the accomplishing of this work of redemption, the Blessed Virgin Mary was most closely associated with Christ; and so it is fitting to sing in the sacred liturgy: "Near the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ there stood, sorrowful, the Blessed Mary, Queen of Heaven and Queen of the World."[46] Hence, as the devout disciple of St. Anselm (Eadmer, ed.) wrote in the Middle Ages: "just as . . . God, by making all through His power, is Father and Lord of all, so the blessed Mary, by repairing all through her merits, is Mother and Queen of all; for God is the Lord of all things, because by His command He establishes each of them in its own nature, and Mary is the Queen of all things, because she restores each to its original dignity through the grace which she merited.[47]

36. Sekarang, dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini penebusan, Santa Perawan Maria paling dekat hubungannya dengan Kristus, dan sehingga pas untuk bernyanyi dalam liturgi suci: "Dekat salib Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus berdiri di sana, sedih, Buddha Maria, Ratu Surga dan Ratu Dunia "[46] Oleh karena itu, sebagai murid yang saleh St Anselm (Eadmer, ed.) menulis pada Abad Pertengahan:".... sama seperti Allah, dengan membuat semua melalui-Nya daya, adalah Bapa dan Tuhan dari semua, sehingga Maria diberkati, dengan memperbaiki semua melalui jasa nya, adalah Ibu dan Ratu dari semua, karena Allah adalah Tuhan bagi segala sesuatu, karena dengan perintah-Nya Dia menetapkan masing-masing di alam sendiri , dan Maria adalah Ratu dari segala sesuatu, karena ia mengembalikan martabat asli masing-masing melalui anugerah yang dia layak. [47]

37. For "just as Christ, because He redeemed us, is our Lord and king by a special title, so the Blessed Virgin also (is our queen), on account of the unique manner in which she assisted in our redemption, by giving of her own substance, by freely offering Him for us, by her singular desire and petition for, and active interest in, our salvation."[48]

37. Untuk "sama seperti Kristus, karena Ia menebus kita, adalah Tuhan kita dan raja dengan judul khusus, sehingga Santa Perawan juga (adalah ratu kami), karena cara yang unik di mana dia membantu dalam penebusan kita, dengan memberikan padanya zat sendiri, dengan bebas menawarkan Nya bagi kita, oleh keinginan tunggal dan permohonan, dan minat aktif dalam, keselamatan kita ". [48]

38. From these considerations, the proof develops on these lines: if Mary, in taking an active part in the work of salvation, was, by God's design, associated with Jesus Christ, the source of salvation itself, in a manner comparable to that in which Eve was associated with Adam, the source of death, so that it may be stated that the work of our salvation was accomplished by a kind of "recapitulation,"[49] in which a virgin was instrumental in the salvation of the human race, just as a virgin had been closely associated with its death; if, moreover, it can likewise be stated that this glorious Lady had been chosen Mother of Christ "in order that she might become a partner in the redemption of the human race";[50] and if, in truth, "it was she who, free of the stain of actual and original sin, and ever most closely bound to her Son, on Golgotha offered that Son to the Eternal Father together with the complete sacrifice of her maternal rights and maternal love, like a new Eve, for all the sons of Adam, stained as they were by his lamentable fall,"[51] then it may be legitimately concluded that as Christ, the new Adam, must be called a King not merely because He is Son of God, but also because He is our Redeemer, so, analogously, the Most Blessed Virgin is queen not only because she is Mother of God, but also because, as the new Eve, she was associated with the new Adam.

38. Dari pertimbangan, bukti berkembang pada baris ini: jika Maria, dalam mengambil bagian aktif dalam karya keselamatan, adalah, dengan desain Allah, yang terkait dengan Yesus Kristus, sumber keselamatan itu sendiri, dengan cara sebanding dengan yang di mana Hawa dikaitkan dengan Adam, sumber kematian, sehingga dapat dinyatakan bahwa karya keselamatan kita dicapai dengan semacam "rekapitulasi," [49] di mana perawan berperan dalam keselamatan umat manusia, sama seperti perawan telah terkait erat dengan kematiannya, jika, apalagi, itu juga dapat dinyatakan bahwa ini Lady yang mulia telah dipilih Bunda Kristus "supaya ia dapat menjadi mitra dalam penebusan umat manusia"; [ 50] dan jika, dalam kebenaran, "itu dia yang, bebas dari noda dosa aktual dan asli, dan yang paling dekat terikat padanya Putra, pada Golgota yang ditawarkan bahwa Anak kepada Bapa Kekal bersama dengan pengorbanan lengkap ibu nya hak dan cinta ibu, seperti Hawa baru, untuk semua anak-anak Adam, ternoda karena mereka dengan jatuh disesalkan Nya, "[51] maka mungkin sah disimpulkan bahwa sebagai Kristus, Adam baru, harus disebut Raja tidak hanya karena Ia adalah Anak Allah, tetapi juga karena Dia adalah Penebus kita, jadi, analog, Maha Santa Perawan adalah ratu bukan hanya karena ia adalah Bunda Allah, tetapi juga karena, sebagai Hawa baru, ia dikaitkan dengan yang baru Adam.

39. Certainly, in the full and strict meaning of the term, only Jesus Christ, the God-Man, is King; but Mary, too, as Mother of the divine Christ, as His associate in the redemption, in his struggle with His enemies and His final victory over them, has a share, though in a limited and analogous way, in His royal dignity. For from her union with Christ she attains a radiant eminence transcending that of any other creature; from her union with Christ she receives the royal right to dispose of the treasures of the Divine Redeemer's Kingdom; from her union with Christ finally is derived the inexhaustible efficacy of her maternal intercession before the Son and His Father.

39. Tentu saja, dalam arti penuh dan ketat istilah, hanya Yesus Kristus, Allah-Man, adalah Raja, tetapi Maria juga, sebagai Bunda Kristus yang ilahi, seperti asosiasi-Nya dalam penebusan, dalam perjuangannya dengan musuh-musuh-Nya dan kemenangan akhir-Nya atas mereka, telah berbagi, meskipun dengan cara yang terbatas dan analog, dalam martabat kerajaan-Nya. Karena dari persatuan dengan Kristus dia mencapai suatu bukit bercahaya melampaui bahwa setiap makhluk lainnya; dari persatuan dengan Kristus dia menerima hak kerajaan untuk membuang harta Penebus Ilahi Kerajaan; dari persatuan dengan Kristus akhirnya berasal efikasi habis-habisnya dari syafaat ibu sebelum Anak dan Bapa-Nya.

40. Hence it cannot be doubted that Mary most Holy is far above all other creatures in dignity, and after her Son possesses primacy over all. "You have surpassed every creature," sings St. Sophronius. "What can be more sublime than your joy, O Virgin Mother? What more noble than this grace, which you alone have received from God"?[52] To this St. Germanus adds: "Your honor and dignity surpass the whole of creation; your greatness places you above the angels."[53] And St. John Damascene goes so far as to say: "Limitless is the difference between God's servants and His Mother."[54]

40. Oleh karena itu tidak dapat diragukan bahwa Maria Kudus yang paling jauh di atas semua makhluk lain dalam martabat, dan setelah Putranya memiliki keutamaan atas semua. "Anda telah melampaui setiap makhluk," bernyanyi St Sophronius. "Apa yang bisa lebih mulia daripada sukacita Anda, O Perawan Ibu Apa yang lebih mulia daripada ini rahmat, yang Anda sendiri telah menerima dari Allah?" [52] Untuk ini St Germanus menambahkan:? "Kehormatan Anda dan martabat melampaui seluruh ciptaan .; kebesaran Anda menempatkan Anda di atas para malaikat "[53] Dan St John Damaskus pergi terlalu jauh dengan mengatakan:" Limitless adalah perbedaan antara hamba Tuhan dan Bunda-Nya "[54].

41. In order to understand better this sublime dignity of the Mother of God over all creatures let us recall that the holy Mother of God was, at the very moment of her Immaculate Conception, so filled with grace as to surpass the grace of all the Saints. Wherefore, as Our Predecessor of happy memory, Pius IX wrote, God "showered her with heavenly gifts and graces from the treasury of His divinity so far beyond what He gave to all the angels and saints that she was ever free from the least stain of sin; she is so beautiful and perfect, and possesses such fullness of innocence and holiness, that under God a greater could not be dreamed, and only God can comprehend the marvel."[55]

41. Dalam rangka untuk memahami lebih baik ini martabat luhur Bunda Allah atas semua makhluk mari kita ingat bahwa pada Bunda Suci Tuhan, pada saat yang sangat Immaculate Conception dirinya, begitu penuh dengan kasih karunia untuk melampaui kasih karunia semua Orang Suci. Oleh karena itu, sebagai kami Pendahulu memori bahagia, Pius IX menulis, Allah "menghujani dia dengan surgawi hadiah dan rahmat dari perbendaharaan keilahian-Nya sehingga jauh melampaui apa yang Dia berikan kepada semua malaikat dan orang-orang kudus yang ia pernah bebas dari noda sedikit dosa, ia begitu indah dan sempurna, dan memiliki kepenuhan seperti tak bersalah dan kekudusan, bahwa di bawah Tuhan yang lebih besar tidak bisa bermimpi, dan hanya Allah yang dapat memahami keajaiban "[55].

42. Besides, the Blessed Virgin possessed, after Christ, not only the highest degree of excellence and perfection, but also a share in that influence by which He, her Son and our Redeemer, is rightly said to reign over the minds and wills of men. For if through His Humanity the divine Word performs miracles and gives graces, if He uses His Sacraments and Saints as instruments for the salvation of men, why should He not make use of the role and work of His most holy Mother in imparting to us the fruits of redemption? "With a heart that is truly a mother's," to quote again Our Predecessor of immortal memory, Pius IX, "does she approach the problem of our salvation, and is solicitous for the whole human race; made Queen of heaven and earth by the Lord, exalted above all choirs of angels and saints, and standing at the right hand of her only [55a] Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, she intercedes powerfully for us with a mother's prayers, obtains what she seeks, and cannot be refused."[56] On this point another of Our Predecessors of happy memory, Leo XIII, has said that an "almost immeasurable" power has been given Mary in the distribution of graces;[57] St. Pius X adds that she fills this office "as by the right of a mother."[58]

42. Selain itu, Santa Perawan yang dimiliki, setelah Kristus, tidak hanya tingkat tertinggi keunggulan dan kesempurnaan, tetapi juga bagian dalam yang dipengaruhi oleh yang Dia, Putranya dan Penebus kita, adalah benar kata untuk memerintah atas pikiran dan kehendak manusia. Karena jika melalui-Nya Firman Kemanusiaan yang ilahi melakukan mujizat dan memberi rahmat, jika Dia menggunakan Sakramen-Nya dan Orang Suci sebagai instrumen untuk keselamatan manusia, mengapa Dia tidak menggunakan peran dan karya Bunda-Nya yang paling suci dalam menyampaikan kepada kita buah penebusan? "Dengan hati yang benar-benar ibu itu," mengutip lagi kami Pendahulu memori abadi, Pius IX, "apakah dia pendekatan masalah keselamatan kita, dan kuatir untuk seluruh umat manusia; membuat Ratu langit dan bumi oleh Tuhan, ditinggikan atas semua paduan suara para malaikat dan orang-orang kudus, dan berdiri di sebelah kanan hanya dia [55a] Anak, Yesus Kristus Tuhan kita, dia berdoa kuat bagi kita dengan doa seorang ibu, mendapatkan apa yang dia mencari, dan tidak dapat ditolak. "[56] Pada titik lain dari pendahulu kami memori bahagia, Leo XIII, telah mengatakan bahwa" hampir beragam "kuasa telah diberikan Maria dalam distribusi rahmat; [57] St Pius X menambahkan bahwa dia mengisi kantor ini "sebagai oleh hak seorang ibu." [58]

43. Let all Christians, therefore, glory in being subjects of the Virgin Mother of God, who, while wielding royal power, is on fire with a mother's love.

43. Biarkan semua orang Kristen, Oleh karena itu, kemuliaan dalam mata pelajaran yang Perawan Bunda Allah, yang, sementara memegang kekuasaan kerajaan, sedang terbakar dengan kasih seorang ibu.

44. Theologians and preachers, however, when treating these and like questions concerning the Blessed Virgin, must avoid straying from the correct course, with a twofold error to guard against: that is to say, they must beware of unfounded opinions and exaggerated expressions which go beyond the truth, on the other hand, they must watch out for excessive narrowness of mind in weighing that exceptional, sublime, indeed all but divine dignity of the Mother of God, which the Angelic Doctor teaches must be attributed to her "because of the infinite goodness that is God."[59]

44. Teolog dan pengkhotbah, bagaimanapun, ketika merawat pertanyaan ini dan seperti tentang Perawan Maria, harus menghindari menyimpang dari jalan yang benar, dengan kesalahan ganda untuk menjaga terhadap: artinya, mereka harus berhati-hati terhadap pendapat tidak berdasar dan ekspresi berlebihan yang melampaui kebenaran, di sisi lain, mereka harus hati-hati untuk berlebihan sempitnya pikiran dalam menimbang bahwa, agung luar biasa, memang semua tapi martabat ilahi Bunda Allah, yang mengajarkan Angelic Dokter harus dikaitkan dengan dirinya "karena tak terbatas kebaikan itu adalah Allah ". [59]

45. For the rest, in this as in other points of Christian doctrine, "the proximate and universal norm of truth" is for all the living Magisterium of the Church, which Christ established "also to illustrate and explain those matters which are contained only in an obscure way, and implicitly in the deposit of faith."[60]

45. Untuk selebihnya, dalam hal ini seperti dalam poin lain doktrin Kristen, "norma proksimat dan universal kebenaran" adalah untuk semua Magisterium hidup Gereja, yang didirikan Kristus "juga untuk menggambarkan dan menjelaskan hal-hal yang terkandung hanya dalam cara kabur, dan secara implisit di deposit iman ". [60]

46. From the ancient Christian documents, from prayers of the liturgy, from the innate piety of the Christian people, from works of art, from every side We have gathered witnesses to the regal dignity of the Virgin Mother of God; We have likewise shown that the arguments deduced by Sacred Theology from the treasure store of the faith fully confirm this truth. Such a wealth of witnesses makes up a resounding chorus which changes the sublimity of the royal dignity of the Mother of God and of men, to whom every creature is subject, who is "exalted to the heavenly throne, above the choirs of angels."[61]

46. Dari dokumen-dokumen Kristen kuno, dari doa liturgi, dari kesalehan bawaan dari orang-orang Kristen, dari karya seni, dari setiap sisi Kami telah mengumpulkan saksi untuk martabat anggun dari Ibu Perawan Allah, Kami juga menunjukkan bahwa menyimpulkan argumen oleh Suci Teologi dari toko harta iman sepenuhnya mengkonfirmasi kebenaran ini. Seperti banyak saksi membuat sebuah paduan suara gemilang yang mengubah keagungan martabat kerajaan dari Bunda Allah dan manusia, kepada siapa setiap makhluk subjek, yang "ditinggikan ke tahta surgawi, di atas paduan suara para malaikat." [61]

47. Since we are convinced, after long and serious reflection, that great good will accrue to the Church if this solidly established truth shines forth more clearly to all, like a luminous lamp raised aloft, by Our Apostolic authority We decree and establish the feast of Mary's Queenship, which is to be celebrated every year in the whole world on the 31st of May. We likewise ordain that on the same day the consecration of the human race to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary be renewed, cherishing the hope that through such consecration a new era may begin, joyous in Christian peace and in the triumph of religion.

47. Karena kami yakin, setelah refleksi panjang dan serius, yang besar baik akan terhutang kepada Gereja jika kebenaran yang kokoh didirikan bersinar lebih jelas untuk semua, seperti lampu bercahaya mengangkat tinggi-tinggi, oleh otoritas Apostolik Kami Kami keputusan dan menetapkan hari raya Maria Queenship, yang akan dirayakan setiap tahun di seluruh dunia pada tanggal 31 Mei. Kami juga menahbiskan bahwa pada hari yang sama konsekrasi umat manusia kepada Hati Tak Bernoda Santa Perawan Maria diperbaharui, menghargai harapan bahwa melalui konsekrasi seperti era baru mungkin mulai, sukacita dalam damai Kristen dan dalam kemenangan agama.

48. Let all, therefore, try to approach with greater trust the throne of grace and mercy of our Queen and Mother, and beg for strength in adversity, light in darkness, consolation in sorrow; above all let them strive to free themselves from the slavery of sin and offer an unceasing homage, filled with filial loyalty, to their Queenly Mother. Let her churches be thronged by the faithful, her feast-days honored; may the beads of the Rosary be in the hands of all; may Christians gather, in small numbers and large, to sing her praises in churches, in homes, in hospitals, in prisons. May Mary's name be held in highest reverence, a name sweeter than honey and more precious than jewels; may none utter blasphemous words, the sign of a defiled soul, against that name graced with such dignity and revered for its motherly goodness; let no one be so bold as to speak a syllable which lacks the respect due to her name.

48. Biarkan semua, oleh karena itu, cobalah pendekatan dengan kepercayaan yang lebih besar takhta anugerah dan belas kasihan kita Ratu dan Ibu, dan meminta kekuatan dalam kesulitan, cahaya dalam kegelapan, penghiburan dalam kesedihan; atas semua membiarkan mereka berusaha untuk membebaskan diri dari perbudakan dosa dan menawarkan sebuah penghormatan terus-menerus, penuh dengan kesetiaan berbakti, untuk mereka ratu Ibu. Biarkan dia menjadi memadati gereja-gereja oleh umat beriman, pesta nya-hari dihormati, semoga manik-manik Rosario berada di tangan semua; mungkin orang Kristen berkumpul, dalam jumlah kecil dan besar, dia menyanyikan pujian di gereja-gereja, di rumah, di rumah sakit , di penjara. nama Mei Mary akan diselenggarakan di penghormatan tertinggi, yang manis nama dari madu dan lebih berharga daripada permata; mungkin kata-kata tidak menghujat mengucapkan, tanda jiwa najis, terhadap bahwa nama menghiasi dengan martabat tersebut dan dihormati untuk kebaikan ibu tersebut; janganlah ada satu begitu berani untuk berbicara suku kata yang tidak memiliki rasa hormat karena namanya.

49. All, according to their state, should strive to bring alive the wondrous virtues of our heavenly Queen and most loving Mother through constant effort of mind and manner. Thus will it come about that all Christians, in honoring and imitating their sublime Queen and Mother, will realize they are truly brothers, and with all envy and avarice thrust aside, will promote love among classes, respect the rights of the weak, cherish peace. No one should think himself a son of Mary, worthy of being received under her powerful protection, unless, like her, he is just, gentle and pure, and shows a sincere desire for true brotherhood, not harming or injuring but rather helping and comforting others.

49. Semua, menurut negara mereka, harus berusaha untuk membawa hidup kebajikan menakjubkan surgawi kita Ratu dan paling mencintai Ibu melalui upaya konstan pikiran dan cara. Dengan demikian akan hal itu terjadi bahwa semua orang Kristen, dalam menghormati dan meniru mereka Ratu luhur dan Ibu, akan menyadari bahwa mereka benar-benar saudara, dan dengan semua dorong iri dan ketamakan samping, akan mempromosikan kasih di antara kelas, menghormati hak-hak perdamaian, lemah menghargai . Tidak ada yang harus berpikir dirinya seorang putra Maria, layak yang diterima di bawah perlindungan kuat nya, kecuali, seperti dirinya, ia hanya, lembut dan murni, dan menunjukkan keinginan yang tulus untuk persaudaraan sejati, tidak merugikan atau melukai tetapi lebih membantu dan menghibur lain.

50. In some countries of the world there are people who are unjustly persecuted for professing their Christian faith and who are deprived of their divine and human rights to freedom; up till now reasonable demands and repeated protests have availed nothing to remove these evils. May the powerful Queen of creation, whose radiant glance banishes storms and tempests and brings back cloudless skies, look upon these her innocent and tormented children with eyes of mercy; may the Virgin, who is able to subdue violence beneath her foot, grant to them that they may soon enjoy the rightful freedom to practice their religion openly, so that, while serving the cause of the Gospel, they may also contribute to the strength and progress of nations by their harmonious cooperation, by the practice of extraordinary virtues which are a glowing example in the midst of bitter trials.

50. Di beberapa negara di dunia terdapat orang-orang yang tidak adil dianiaya untuk mengaku iman Kristen mereka dan yang dicabut dari ilahi mereka dan hak asasi manusia untuk kebebasan; sampai sekarang tidak ada tuntutan yang wajar dan protes berulang telah dicairkan untuk menghilangkan kejahatan. Semoga kuat Ratu penciptaan, yang bercahaya sekilas mengusir badai dan prahara dan membawa kembali langit tak berawan, memandang anak-anaknya ini tidak bersalah dan disiksa dengan mata belas kasihan; mungkin Perawan, yang mampu menundukkan kekerasan di bawah kakinya, memberikan kepada mereka bahwa mereka segera dapat menikmati kebebasan yang berhak untuk mempraktikkan agama mereka secara terbuka, sehingga, sementara melayani penyebab dari Injil, mereka juga dapat menyebabkan kekuatan dan kemajuan bangsa-bangsa dengan kerjasama yang harmonis mereka, dengan praktek kebajikan luar biasa yang merupakan contoh bersinar di tengah-tengah cobaan pahit.

51. By this Encyclical Letter We are instituting a feast so that all may recognize more clearly and venerate more devoutly the merciful and maternal sway of the Mother of God. We are convinced that this feast will help to preserve, strengthen and prolong that peace among nations which daily is almost destroyed by recurring crises. Is she not a rainbow in the clouds reaching towards God, the pledge of a covenant of peace?[62] "Look upon the rainbow, and bless Him that made it; surely it is beautiful in its brightness. It encompasses the heaven about with the circle of its glory, the hands of the Most High have displayed it."[63] Whoever, therefore, reverences the Queen of heaven and earth - and let no one consider himself exempt from this tribute of a grateful and loving soul - let him invoke the most effective of Queens, the Mediatrix of peace; let him respect and preserve peace, which is not wickedness unpunished nor freedom without restraint, but a well-ordered harmony under the rule of the will of God; to its safeguarding and growth the gentle urgings and commands of the Virgin Mary impel us.

51. Dengan Surat Ensiklik Kami adalah melembagakan pesta sehingga semua dapat mengenali lebih jelas dan menghormati lebih taat yang bergoyang penyayang dan ibu dari Bunda Allah. Kami yakin bahwa pesta ini akan membantu untuk melestarikan, memperkuat dan memperpanjang bahwa perdamaian di antara bangsa-bangsa yang sehari-hari hampir hancur oleh krisis berulang. Apakah dia bukan pelangi di awan mencapai terhadap Allah, janji dari perjanjian perdamaian [62] "Lihat pada pelangi, dan memberkati Dia yang membuat itu;? Pasti itu indah pada kecerahan surga Ini mencakup tentang dengan. lingkaran kemuliaan, tangan yang Maha Tinggi telah ditampilkan itu "[63] Siapa pun, oleh karena itu, reverences Ratu langit dan bumi -. dan membiarkan seorang pun menganggap dirinya dibebaskan dari upeti dari jiwa yang bersyukur dan penuh kasih - biarkan dia memanggil yang paling efektif Queens, yang Mediatrix damai; hendaklah ia menghormati dan memelihara perdamaian, yang tidak kejahatan tanpa hukuman maupun kebebasan tanpa kendali, tetapi harmoni teratur dibawah kekuasaan kehendak Allah, untuk menjaga dan pertumbuhan desakan lembut dan perintah dari Perawan Maria mendorong kita.

52. Earnestly desiring that the Queen and Mother of Christendom may hear these Our prayers, and by her peace make happy a world shaken by hate, and may, after this exile show unto us all Jesus, Who will be our eternal peace and joy, to you, Venerable Brothers, and to your flocks, as a promise of God's divine help and a pledge of Our love, from Our heart We impart the Apostolic Benediction. 

52. Sungguh-sungguh menginginkan bahwa Ratu dan Ibu Kristen mungkin mendengar doa-doa kami, dan dengan kedamaian membuatnya bahagia dunia terguncang oleh benci, dan mungkin, setelah ini kepada pengasingan menunjukkan kepada kita semua Yesus, Siapa yang akan menjadi damai dan sukacita abadi kita, kepada Anda , Mulia Brothers, dan kambing dombamu, sebagai janji bantuan ilahi Tuhan dan janji cinta kami, dari hati kami Kami menuturkan Do'a Apostolik.
Given at Rome, from St. Peter's, on the feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the eleventh day of October, 1954, in the sixteenth year of our Pontificate.

1. Cf. constitutio apostolica Munificentissirnus Deus: AAS XXXXII 1950, p. 753 sq.
1a. The Latin word is Unigena. - Ed.
2. Cf. litt. enc. Fulgens corona: AAS XXXXV, 1953, p. 577 sq.
3. Cf. AAS XXXVIII, 1946, p. 264 sq.
4. Cf. L'Osservatore Romano, d. 19 Maii, a. 1946.
5. Luc. I, 32.
6. Isai. IX, 6.
7. Apoc. XIX, 16.
8. Cf. Luc. I, 32, 33.
9. Luc. I, 43.
10. S. Ephraem, Hymni de B. Maria, ed. Th. J. Lamy, t. II, Mechliniae, 1886, hymn. XIX, p. 624.
11. Idem, Oratio ad Ssmam Dei Matrem; Opera omnia, Ed. Assemani, t. III (graece), Romae, 1747, pag. 546.
12. S. Gregorius Naz., Poemata dogmatica, XVIII, v. 58; PG XXXVII, 485.
13. Prudentius, Dittochaeum, XXVII: PL LX, 102 A.
14. Hom. in S. Lucam, hom. VII; ed. Rauer, Origenes' Werke, T. IX, p. 48 (ex catena Marcarii Chrysocephali). Cf. PG XIII, 1902 D.
15. S. Hieronymus, Liber de nominibus hebraeis: PL XXIII, 886.
16. S. Petrus Chrysologus, Sermo 142, De Annuntiatione B.M.V.: PL LII, 579 C; cf. etiam 582 B; 584 A: "Regina totius exstitit castitatis."
17. Relatio Epiphanii Ep. Constantin.: PL LXII, 498 D.
17a. Generally throughout the encyclical the Latin word Regina is used to describe Mary. In this case and a few others the word is Domina. "Queen" seems to be the best English equivalent. "Ruler", when it occurs, is a rendition of Dominatrix. - Ed.
18. Encomium in Dormitionem Ssmae Deiparae (inter opera S. Modesti): PG LXXXVI, 3306 B.
19. S. Andreas Cretensis, Homilia II in Dormitionem Ssmae Deiparae: PG XCVII, 1079 B.
20. Id., Homilia III in Dormitionem Ssmae Deiparae: PG XCVII, 1099 A.
21. S. Germanus, In Praesentationem Ssmae Deiparae, I: PG XCVIII, 303 A.
22. Id., In Praesentationem Ssmae Deiparae, n PG XCVIII, 315 C.
23. S. Ioannes Damascenus, Homilia I in Dormitionem B.M.V.: P.G. XCVI, 719 A.
24. Id., De fide orthodoxa, I, IV, c. 14: PG XLIV, 1158 B.
25. De laudibus Mariae (inter opera Venantii Fortunati): PL LXXXVIII, 282 B et 283 A.
26. Ildefonsus Toletanus, De virginitate perpetua B.M.V.: PL XCVI, 58 A D.
27. S. Martinus I, Epist. XIV: PL LXXXVII, 199-200 A.
28. S. Agatho: PL LXXXVII, 1221 A.
29. Hardouin, Acta Conciliorum, IV, 234; 238: PL LXXXIX, 508 B.
30. Xystus IV, bulla Cum praeexcelsa. d. d. 28 Febr. a. 1476.
31. Benedictus XIV, bulla Gloriosae Dominae, d. d. 27 Sept. a. 1748.
32. S. Alfonso, Le glone de Maria, p. I, c. I, §1.
33. Ex liturgia Armenorum: in festo Assumptionis, hymnus ad Matutinum.
34. Ex Menaeo (byzantino): Dominica post Natalem, in Canone, ad Matutinum.
35. Officium hymni Axathistos (in ritu byzantino).
36. Missale Aethiopicum, Anaphora Dominae nostrae Mariae, Matris Dei.
37. Brev. Rom., Versiculus sexti Respons.
38. Festum Assumptionis; hymnus Laudum.
39. Ibidem, ad Magnificat II Vesp.
40. Luc. I, 32, 33.
41. Ibid. I, 43.
42. S. Ioannes Damascenus, De fide orthodoxa, 1. IV, c. 14; PL XCIV, 1158 s. B.
43. I Petr. I, 18, 19.
44. I Cor. VI, 20.
45. Pius XI, litt. enc. Quas primas: AAS XVII, 1925, p. 599.
46. Festum septem dolorum B. Mariae Virg., Tractus.
47. Eadmerus, De excellentia Virginis Mariae, c. 11: PL CLIX, 508 A B.
48. F. Suárez, De mysteriis vitae Christi, disp. XXII, sect. II (ed Vivès, XIX, 327).
49. S. Irenaeus, Adv. haer., V, 19, 1: PG VII, 1175 B.
50. Pius XI, epist. Auspicatus profecto: AAS XXV, 1933, p. 80.
51. Pius XII, litt. enc. Mystici Corporis: AAS XXXV, 1943, p. 247.
52. S. Sophronius, In annuntianone Beatae Mariae Virginis: PG LXXXVII, 3238 D; 3242 A.
53. S. Germanus, Hom. II in dormitione Beatae Mariae Virginis: PG XCVIII, 354 B.
54. S. Ioannes Damascenus, Hom. I in Dormitionem Beatae Mariae Virginis: PG XCVI, 715 A.
55. Pius IX, bulla Ineffabilis Deus: Acta Pii IX, I, p. 597-598.
55a.Unigena. - Ed.
56. Ibid. p. 618.
57. Leo XIII, litt. enc. Adiumcem populi: ASS, XXVIII, 1895-1896, p.130.
58. Pius X, litt enc. Ad diem illum: ASS XXXVI, 1903-1904, p.455.
59. S. Thomas, Summa Theol., I, q. 25, a. 6, ad 4.
60. Pius XII, litt. enc. Humani generis: AAS XLII, 1950, p. 569.
61. Ex Brev. Rom.: Festum Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis.
62. Cf. Gen. IX, 13.
63. Eccl. XLIII, 12-13.

Ad Caeli Reginam

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Ad caeli reginam adalah sebuah ensiklik dari Paus Pius XII, diberikan di Roma, dari Basilika Santo Petrus, pada hari perayaan Kebundaan Perawan Suci Maria, pada hari kesebelas bulan Oktober 1954, di tahun ke-16 masa kepausannya. Ensiklik ini merupakan suatu unsur penting dari Mariologi Paus Pius XII. Dokumen ini membentuk hari perayaan Keratuan Maria.


AD CAELI REGINAM = To the Queen of Heaven = Untuk Ratu Surga

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 22nd
Coronation of the Virgin
Tempera on panel, 89 x 58 cm
Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Feast of Queenship

Queenship of Mary is a Marian feast day in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church, created by Pope Pius XII. On 11 October 1954, the Pontiff pronounced the new feast in his encyclical Ad caeli reginam. The feast was celebrated on May 31, the last day of the Marian month. In 1969, Pope Paul VI moved the feast day to August 22.
The movement to officially recognise the Queenship of Mary was initially promoted by several Catholic Mariological congresses in Lyon France, Freiburg Germany, and Einsiedeln Switzerland. Gabriel Roschini founded in Rome, Italy, an international society to promote the Queenship of Mary, Pro Regalitate Mariae. Several Popes had described Mary as Queen and Queen of Heaven, which was documented by Gabriel Roschini. Pope Pius XII repeated the title in numerous encyclicals and Apostolic Letters, especially during World War II

This beautiful poster, printed on photographic quality paper and suitable for framing in an 8 x 10 inch frame, was created by Bread of Life Chapter of the Confraternity of Penitents, to commemorate the date of our refounding.  The poster states that the August 22 is a Solemnity for the Confraternity of Penitents (it is a Memorial for the rest of the Church). 

The following prayer is reproduced on the poster:

O Mary, when our eyes close in our last sleep, 
and open to behold thy Son, the Just Judge, 
and the Angel opens the Book, and the Enemy accuses us; 
in that terrible hour, come to our aid. 
Be with us. 
When death came to Joseph, you and your Son were with him: 
Thy Son to judge, thou to console. 
O Happy Joseph! 
When death comes for us, be near us.  
O Mary, when we are held captive in the place of atonement; plead for us,
and visit us, that we may find consolation in thy presence. 
Stretch forth thy hand to help us; deliver us from our bondage. 
We are thy children: Thou art our Mother. 
As little children we come to thee; we know no fear.
O Mary, He changed water into wine for thee, 
even as He said: My hour has not yet come. 
Now He will not refuse thee, when you plead for us thy children. 
O Mary, come quickly to our aid. 
Do not let us stray from the Fold. 
The wolf is waiting to destroy us. 
There shall be neither night nor day to thy praises. 
Adoration to the Father Who created thee! 
Adoration to they Son, Who took flesh from thee! 
Adoration to the Holy Spirit, Thy Divine Spouse! 
Three in One, One in Three. Equal in all things. 
To Him be glory for ever. For ever. For ever. Amen.

-- St. Lomman, Abbot, in "The Praises of Mary"

The poster features a reproduction of the painting "The Coronation of Mary in Heaven by Diego Velasquez (1599-1660). Detail of the painting is shown here.
This poster is available for a donation in any amount to the Confraternity of Penitents Holy Angels Gift Shop.  Use the Order Form, linked to in the above link bar, to request a poster.

Feast Days of Mary
January  1 Mary, Mother of God
January  21 Our Lady of Altagracia
January  23 Espousal of the Virgin Mary
January  24 Madonna del Pianto (Our Lady of Tears)
February  2 Purification of Mary
February  4 Our Lady of the Flight into Egypt
February  11 Our Lady of Lourdes
March  25 Annunciation by Saint Gabriel
April  25 Our Lady of Good Counsel 
April  26 Our Lady of Good Counsel 
May  13 Our Lady of Fatima
May  13 Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
May  24 Mary, Help of Christians
May  31 Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces
May  31 Visitation
June  3 Our Lady of the Holy Letter
June  9 Mary, Virgin Mother of Grace
June  27 Our Lady of Perpetual Help
July  2 Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
July  16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel
July  17 Humility of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August  2 Our Lady of the Angels
August  5 Our Lady of the Snow
August  5 Our Lady of Copacabana
August  13 Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners
August  15 Assumption into Heaven
August  21 Our Lady of Knock
August  22 Immaculate Heart of Mary
August  22 Queenship of Mary
September  8 Nativity of Mary
September  8 Our Lady of Charity
September  8 Our Lady of Meritxell
September  8 Our Lady of Covadonga
September  12 Most Holy Name of Mary
September  15 Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
September  24 Our Lady of Mercy
September  24 Our Lady of Walsingham
October  1 Holy Protection of the Mother of God
October  7 Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
October  11 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
October  12 Our Lady of Pilar
October  16 Purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
November  11 Patronage of Our Lady
November  21 Presentation of Mary at the Temple
December  2 Our Lady of Liesse
December  2 Our Lady, Cause of Our Joy
December  8 Mary's Immaculate Conception
December  12 Our Lady of Guadalupe
December  18 Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mary Mother of God

Mariological basis

Queen of Heaven (Latin Regina Caeli) is one of many Queen titles used of the Virgin Mary. The title derived in part from the ancient Catholic teaching that Mary, at the end of her earthly life, was bodily and spiritually assumed into heaven, and that she is there honored as Queen.
The first Mariological definition and basis for the title of Mary Queen of Heaven developed at the Council of Ephesus, where Mary was defined to be the Mother of God. The Council fathers specifically approved this version against the opinion, that Mary is "only" the mother of Jesus. Nobody had participated in the life of her son more, than Mary, who gave birth to the Son of God.

Litany of Loreto

The Litany of Loreto includes several supplications to Mary as Queen. There are two types of statements about the Queen of Heaven.
  • Some refer to the Virgin Mary as theological statements about her queenship.
  • Others indicate more specifically her realm of influence of the virgin as queen of heaven.

Queen conceived without original sin

Queen conceived without original sin refers to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, a long held belief which became dogma in 1854. It definitively solved the question, how Mary, fully human and in need of redemption like everybody else, was granted the fullness of God's grace from her very beginning. The dogma teaches, that Mary, the Mother of God, participated from before her birth in the holiness of God through his grace. She did not become a goddess but being without sin, the spiritual mother and new Eve.

Queen assumed into Heaven

This is the reason she is Queen assumed into Heaven. To Catholics, assumption into heaven refers to the elevation into the heavenly realm, where the saints are with God and his son. Queen assumed into heaven is thus an indication, that Mary's service to the human race was not concluded with the birth of Christ, but continues for all eternity in heaven.

Queen of the Rosary

As Queen of the Rosary, Mary lets the faithful participate in her life with Christ The rosary is a prayer for faith, hope and love, who were all perfected in the Virgin Mary.

Queen of Peace

To Christians Christ is peace. They pray: "May the peace of Christ be with you" Mary is Queen of Peace, because she aided in the reconciliation of humanity with God like nobody else. With the fullness of her person she aided the entry of peace into this world. She is also considered Queen of Peace, because throughout her life, she lived by God's will and not her own. Peace in the Catholic tradition means to do God's will.

Queen of the Angels

In the Catholic tradition as reflected in the Litany of Loreto, angels are messengers of God; angels also praise God. As Mother of God, Mary is more than a messenger and in her Magnificat she praises God. In the heavenly kingdom Mary is seen as Queen of the Angels.

Queen of the Patriarchs

In the Old Testament, patriarchs have a exceptional relation to God. Abraham is even seen as father of the faith (Gen15,5 Rom 4 Hebr 11,8) In the Litany of Loreto, God is not only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but also the God of Mary. Only Mary had the complete faith for which she was considered blessed (Luke 1,45) With the title Queen of Patriarchs, the Catholic Church states the continued relevance and position of the Patriarchs of the Old Testament.

Other titles

For similar reasons, Mary, because her prophetic pronouncements in the Magnificat is Queen of Prophets. She is Queen of Apostles, Queen of Martyrs, Queen of Confessors, Queen of Virgins, and Queen of all Saints . As Ever Virgin and immaculate Mother of God who was assumed into heaven, she is closer to God than any other creature
In the classic Roman Catholic Mariology book The Glories of Mary, the author Saint Alphonsus Liguori called the Blessed Virgin Mary the "Gate of Heaven", relying on the writings of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, another Doctor of the Church.

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