Kamis, 28 April 2011



꧁  ꧂
Kanjeng = Kangjeng = Hingkang Jumeneng = Yang Bertahta
Gapura = Gerbang, Pintu Gerbang
Kanjeng Ratu Gapuraning Swarga = Yang Mulia Ratu Gerbangnya Surga

Maria juga adalah “Pintu Surga (COELI PORTA atau CAELI PORTA)”. Maria adalah sarana yang dipergunakan Kristus untuk datang dari surga demi membebaskan kita dari dosa. Di akhir hidupnya, kita percaya bahwa Bunda Maria diangkat jiwa dan badannya ke surga, suatu kepenuhan janji akan kehidupan kekal dan kebangkitan badan yang dijanjikan Yesus. Sebab itu, Maria adalah pintu melalui mana Yesus masuk ke dalam dunia ini dan pintu kepada kepenuhan janji di mana kita akan beroleh bagian dalam kehidupan kekal.
Karena itu, kita memandang Maria sebagai “Bintang Samudera (STELLA MARIS)”. Bagaikan bintang samudera membimbing para nahkoda mengarungi lautan berbadai menuju pelabuhan yang aman, demikian juga Maria, melalui segala doa dan teladannya, membimbing kita sepanjang perjalanan hidup kita, kadang melalui samudera yang bergolak, menuju pelabuhan surgawi.

GUA GARBA (Khora or Chora )

Mengapa Gua Maria ? bukan Gua Allah, Gua Yesus, Gua Ignatius ? Mengapa Maria ditempatkan dalam Gua ? Kok tidak ada Rumah Maria, Gupon Maria, Cakruk Maria, atau malah Warung Maria ? Mungkin, sekali lagi ini mungkin, Maria adalah sosok Ibu yang mengayomi, laksana Gua Garba (Rahim). Dari Rahim, muncullah kehidupan. Itu yang kubayangkan dari hubungan Gua dan Maria. Tentang Rahim sebagai tempat kehidupan, Derrida membahasnya juga, sebagai suatu interpertasi atas teks Plato. Derrida membahas kata KHORA yang menyangkut tempat, ruang, penempatan, yang juga dapat dilihat seperti rahim.


Khôra (Khora or Chora ) is a philosophical term described by Plato in Timaeus as a receptacle, a space, or an interval. It is neither being nor nonbeing but an interval between in which the “forms” were originally held. Khôra "gives space" and has maternal overtones (a womb, matrix).
Key authors addressing "khôra" include Heidegger who refers to a "clearing" in which being happens or takes place (Nader El-Bizri, 2001, 2004). Julia Kristeva deploys the term as part of her analysis of the difference between the semiotic and symbolic realms, in that Plato's concept of "khora" is said to anticipate the emancipatory employment of semiotic activity as a way of evading the allegedly phallocentric character of symbolic activity (signification through language), which, following Lacan, is regarded as an inherently limiting and oppressive form of praxis. More recently, Jacques Derrida uses "khôra" to name a radical otherness that "gives place" for being. For Derrida, "khôra" defies attempts at naming or either/or logic which he attempts to "deconstruct" (see deconstruction).
Following Derrida, John Caputo describes khôra as:
"neither present nor absent,active or passive, the good nor evil, living nor nonliving - but rather atheological and nonhuman - khôra is not even a receptacle. Khôra has no meaning or essence, no identity to fall back upon. She/it receives all without becoming anything, which is why she/it can become the subject of neither a philosopheme nor mytheme. In short, the khôra is tout autre [fully other], very”


GUA GARBA (Tempat Bertapa)

Goa Garba tourism object is located at southern part of Pejeng. It is one of ancient ruins same as other archeological one in Gianyar. There is big temple inside in is called Pura Pengukur- ukur. In both of these temples usually were used as public meditation centre.
Goa Garba, ceruk petapaan yang terletak di bawah Pura Pengukur-ukuran, di banjar Samegunung, desa Pejeng, Tampaksiring, Gianyar-Bali.

Gerbang Surgawi

1:42 lalu berseru dengan suara nyaring: "Diberkatilah engkau di antara semua perempuan dan diberkatilah buah rahimmu (koilia [from koilos ("hollow")]; ventris; 所 懷的 胎; rahim).
1:43 Siapakah aku ini sampai ibu Tuhanku (meter kurios [from kuros (supremacy)]; mater Domini; 主 的 母; Ibu Tuhan) datang mengunjungi aku?

11:27. Ketika Yesus masih berbicara, berserulah seorang perempuan dari antara orang banyak dan berkata kepada-Nya: "Berbahagialah ibu yang telah mengandung (koilia [from koilos ("hollow")]; venter; 怀胎 [十月怀胎]; rahim) Engkau dan susu yang telah menyusui Engkau."
11:28 Tetapi Ia berkata: "Yang berbahagia ialah mereka yang mendengarkan firman Allah dan yang memeliharanya."

10:9 Akulah pintu (thura; ostium; 门; Pintu); barangsiapa masuk melalui Aku, ia akan selamat dan ia akan masuk dan keluar dan menemukan padang rumput.

14:6 Kata Yesus kepadanya: "Akulah jalan (hodos: via; 道 路; Jalan) dan kebenaran (aletheia; veritas; 真 理; Kebenaran) dan hidup (zoe; vita; 生 命; Hidup). Tidak ada seorangpun yang datang kepada Bapa, kalau tidak melalui Aku.


Gua Garba (koilia [from koilos ("hollow")]; ventris; 所 懷的 胎; rahim) Maria sebagai Gerbang telah mengandung dan melahirkan Sang Sabda (kurios [from kuros (supremacy)]; Domini; 主; Tuhan), sehingga terbukalah Jalan (hodos: via; 道 路; Jalan) dan Pintu (thura; ostium; 门; Pintu) Surgawi.

Gerbang adalah tempat keluar atau masuk ke dalam suatu kawasan tertutup yang dikelilingi pagar atau dinding. Gerbang berguna untuk mencegah atau mengendalikan arus keluar-masuknya orang. Gerbang dapat bersifat sederhana hanya berupa bukaan sederhana pada sebuah pagar, maupun dekoratif dan bahkan monumental. Istilah lainnya untuk gerbang adalah pintu dan gapura.
Gerbang besar dan kokoh pada sebuah bangunan dapat menjadi sarana pertahanan, misalnya gerbang pada benteng atau kastil. Pintu adalah bagian yang menutup akses lewat melalui rumah gerbang. Kini banyak gerbang modern dioperasikan secara otomatis sehingga dapat membuka dan menutup secara otomatis.


Pintu adalah sebuah bukaan pada dinding / bidang yang memudahkan sirkulasi antar ruang-ruang yang dilingkupi oleh dinding / bidang tersebut. Pintu biasanya ditemukan pada bangunan, misalnya rumah. Selain itu, pintu juga terdapat pada kendaraan, lemari, dan lain-lain.
Kebanyakan pintu terbuat dari kayu dan selebihnya, dalam penggunaan yang terbatas terbuat dari aluminium, besi dan plastic PVC. Pintu kayu terdiri dari beberapa jenis. Yang paling umum adalah pintu yang terbuat dari kayu utuh. Selain itu juga terdapat pintu kayu jenis "Flush", yang di dalamnya terdapat ruang hampa.

Is Mary a Mediator?
Question: Who told you that Roman Catholics believe that Mary and the Saints are mediators to God? As Roman Catholics, we believe that Jesus Christ is the only mediator to God. Just curious to know how you came up with that.
Answer: Here are a few excerpts from the book "The Glories of Mary" written by St. Alphonsus Liguori. All quotations are taken from the chapter entitled "Mary Our Mediatrix."
  • Mary, the most faithful mediatrix of salvation.
  • She has been made the ladder to paradise, the gate to heaven, the most true mediatrix between God and human beings.
  • No creature has since received any grace from God except through the hands of Mary.
  • Are we then going to scruple to ask her to save us when (as St. Germanus says) no one is saved except through her?
Moreover, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 969, affirms that Mary is a mediatrix:
Taken up to heaven she did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation.... Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix.
In contrast, the Bible declares that there is one mediator:
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:5,6).
Catholic apologists invent all sort of excuses to explain how Mary could be a mediator when the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is the only mediator. Mary, they say, is a mediator because she prays for us, just as we pray for one another.
Apart from the fact that the Bible does not mention anything about Mary and the saints in heaven praying for us, our intercessions does not make us as mediators of salvation. Jesus is mediator because he gave himself on the cross as a ransom, paying the price for the liberty of his people. He reconciles man with God because He took away sin.
We may certainly pray for one another, but ultimately your salvation or damnation depends on your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him" (John 3:36). All the prayers of all the saints in heaven and earth, and all the curses of all the lost and all the demons in hell, cannot secure or threaten your salvation if you are resting by faith on Christ Jesus.
Contrary to the fanciful human imaginations, the Bible teaches that Jesus is the mediator of the new coventant (Hebrews 12:24); He is the door to salvation (John 10:9); and all God's grace and kindness are given "through Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:7); no-one is saved through Mary; all are saved who call on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13).
Dear friend, since you believe that Jesus is the only mediator, and that Mary is not, what are you going to do now? Would you remain in the Catholic Church that places a host of "mediators" along with Christ, or join an Evangelical church where people really believe in Christ as the one and only mediator?

St. Alphonsus Liguori affirms that Mary is the Gate of Heaven, since in the way all befits a king confers first to pass through his palace gate, no grace comes down from heaven without first passing through the hands of Mary. Even during her earthly life we see how Our Lady was the dispenser of Divine grace. Precisely through her the unborn Jesus blesses the Precursor from his Mother's womb on the occasion when Mary has gone in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Jesus performs his first miracle by changing water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee -- at Mary's insistence. The disciples begin to put their faith wholly in Jesus from this very moment. The Church in history and in the nations of the world began on that day of Pentecost -- in the presence of Mary.

[pg. 56 /128] There can be no doubt that by the merits of Jesus, Mary was made the mediatrix of our salvation - not, indeed, a mediatrix of justice, but of favor and intercession. St Bonaventure expressly calls her: "Mary, the most faithful mediatrix of our salvation." St. Lawrence Justinian asks: "How can she be otherwise than full of grace, who has been made the ladder to paradise, the gate of heaven, the most true mediatrix between God and man?" ... [pg. 57 /129] ... That it is most useful and holy to have recourse to the intercession of Mary can only be doubted by those who have not faith. http://biblelight.net/mary.htm

[pg.  /136]  Again, the holy church calls her 'the happy gate of heaven (felix cœli porta)' for as the same Saint Bernard remarks: 'As every mandate of grace that is sent by a king passes by the palace-gates, so does every grace that comes from heaven to the world pass through the hands of Mary.' Saint Bonaventure says that Mary is called 'the gate of heaven, because no one can enter that blessed kingdom without passing by her.' http://biblelight.net/mary.htm

St. Albert the Great:
·         “To her [Mary] alone was given this privilege, namely, a communication in the Passion; to her the Son willed to communicate the merit of the Passion, in order that He could give her the reward; and in order to make her a sharer in the benefit of Redemption. He willed that she be a sharer in the penalty of the Passion, insofar as she might become the Mother of all through re-creation even as she was the adjudtrix of the Redemption by her co-passion. And just as the whole world is bound to God by His supreme Passion, so also it is bound to the Lady of all by her co-passion.” (Mariale, Opera Omnia, v. 37, Q. 150, p. 219)
·         "… every single grace passes through the hands of Mary.” [12]
·         “The Blessed Virgin is very properly called ‘gate of heaven,’ for every created or uncreated grace that ever came or will ever come into this world came through her.” (Mariale 147) 

St. Bonaventure:
·         "No one can enter into heaven except through Mary, as entering through a gate.” [31]

·         "We believe that Mary opens the abyss of God's mercy to whomsoever she wills, when she wills, and as she wills; so that there is no sinner however great who is lost if Mary protects him.” [32]

Ianua Coeli
Gate of Heaven

The elaborately baroque gate serves as Mary's throne.  Her effigy is surrounded by stars and clouds.  Her outstretched arms suggest openness, receptiveness.  The open gate leads into an enclosed garden, symbol of her virginity.  The angel with shield and flaming sword protects the open gate, which can be assimilated with the gates of paradise.  The angel proclaims these words, "He has opened the gates of heaven" (Psalm 78:23).  On the other side of the gate we discover the presence of the ladder of Jacob, with Jacob sleeping at its foot and angels moving up and down (Genesis 28).
The origin of this Marian allegory can be found in the Acts of the Council of Eplesus 431 (Homily for the Annunciation, 428, by Proclus of Constantinople or Cyzikus).  The homily is based on Ezekiel 44:1-3, and thus alludes at the gate which shall remain closed, since the Lord has entered by it.  The expression can be found in the "Ave Maria Stella" ("felix porta caeli"), eighth/ninth centies, but also in the "Alma Redemptoris" and the "Ave Regina Coelorum," twelfth century. 
The lemma is taken from Psalm 24, "Lift up your heads, o gates."

Gate of Heaven
Mary is the Janua Cœli," the Gate of Heaven
by Cardinal Newman
MARY is called the Gate of Heaven, because it was through her that our Lord passed from heaven to earth. The Prophet Ezechiel, prophesying of Mary, says, "the gate shall be closed, it shall not be opened, and no man shall pass through it, since the Lord God of Israel has entered through it—and it shall be closed for the Prince, the Prince Himself shall sit in it."
Now this is fulfilled, not only in our Lord having taken flesh from her, and being her Son, but, moreover, in that she had a place in the economy of Redemption; it is fulfilled in her spirit and will, as well as in her body. Eve had a part in the fall of man, though it was Adam who was our representative, and whose sin made us sinners. It was Eve who began, and who tempted Adam. 
Scripture says: "The woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold; and she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to her husband, and he did eat." It was fitting then in God's mercy that, as the woman began the destruction of the world, so woman should also begin its recovery, and that, as Eve opened the way for the fatal deed of the first Adam, so Mary should open the way for the great achievement of the second Adam, even our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to save the world by dying on the cross for it. Hence Mary is called by the holy Fathers a second and a better Eve, as having taken that first step in the salvation of mankind which Eve took in its ruin.
How, and when, did Mary take part, and the initial part, in the world's restoration? It was when the Angel Gabriel came to her to announce to her the great dignity which was to be her portion. St. Paul bids us "present our bodies to God as a reasonable service." We must not only pray with our lips, and fast, and do outward penance, and be chaste in our bodies; but we must be obedient, and pure in our minds. 
And so, as regards the Blessed Virgin, it was God's will that she should undertake willingly and with full understanding to be the Mother of our Lord, and not to be a mere passive instrument whose maternity would have no merit and no reward. The higher our gifts, the heavier our duties. It was no light lot to be so intimately near to the Redeemer of men, as she experienced afterwards when she suffered with him. Therefore, weighing well the Angel's words before giving her answer to them—first she asked whether so great an office would be a forfeiture of that Virginity which she had vowed. When the Angel told her no, then, with the full consent of a full heart, full of God's love to her and her own lowliness, she said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to thy word." It was by this consent that she became the Gate of Heaven.

Maria Pintu Gerbang Surgawi

Penggambaran Bunda Maria secara simbolik dalam naskah-naskah suci memperlihatkan juga bagi kita, suatu pintu gerbang, yang dalam konteks ini menandakan kekuasaan Bunda kita atas Neraka sebagai Perantara yang Mulia dan menyatakan identitas mistisnya sebagai Bait Allah.

Simbol yang lain dari Perawan Maria adalah Pintu Gerbang, Dalam bahasa timur, pintu gerbang merupakan symbol kekuasaan. "Dalam berbagai Kitab Suci istilah "Gates" (pintu gerbang) sering kali berarti benteng; bagi orang timur pada umumnya istilah ini berarti kekuasaan mutlak dari suatu kota atau kerajaan. Sudah lazim di Timur tengah Kuno diadakan pengadilan pada pintu gerbang kota. Belum lama ini, kerajaan Turki disebut "The Sublime Gate"(pintu gerbang yang mulia). Pengertian demikian dapat kita temukan meskipun referensi itu agak negative dalam Injil dimana Yesus mengangkat Santo Petrus sebagai pemimpin dan dasar Gereja, sambil menjamin kepadanya kemenangan atas musuh-musuhnya dengan perkataan-perkataan, "Alam maut tidak akan menguasainya"(Gereja)(Mat 16 : 18). Dalam hal ini kami melihat bagaimana istilah "Pintu Gerbang" dalam bentuk jamak menandakan kekuasaan neraka.

Dalam Litani dari Loreto, Perawan Maria disebut Pintu Gerbang Surgawi ungkapan ini berarti bahwa Maria adalah jalan menuju benteng surgawi; Ia adalah pintu gerbang Firdaus. Tetapi bukan itu sajalah; kita juga dapat bahwa Maria adalah symbol kekuasaan dari Surga sebagai perlawanan terhadap kekuasaaan dari Neraka. Allah telah menempatkan di dalam diri Maria Rahmat Ilahi-Nya dan menjadikan dia pula Perantara Keselamatan, Penyalur semua Rahmat. Oleh karena itu, orang-orang kudus menamakan Perawan Maria "Yang Mahakuasa demi Rahmat Ilahi".

Gambaran dari pintu gerbang juga mengandung beberapa pengertian yang lain. Maria adalah Pintu Gerbang Surgawi dalam arti Mistis. Suatu pintu gerbang dipakai untuk membatasi atau mengizinkan memasuki suatu tempat. Oleh karena itu, melalui Maria kita dapat mesuk surga. "Dengan menjadi dagaing dalam Maria, Kristus dating ke dunia. Jadi melalui Maria jalan menuju surga telah dibuka kembali." Namun Maria masih lebih lagi dari suatu pintu gerbang ke Surga dengan kata lain, ialah Jalan Satu-satunya menuju Firdaus. (Kerajaan Damai) Ini berarti bahwa Allah Bapa telah menetukan supaya kita dapat diselamatkan, kita harus mengakui Maria sebagai Bunda kita, kita harus memiliki Devosi yang Kuat dan Besar kepadanya dan Mencintainya, kita harus berusaha untuk meniru segala kebijakannya.

Pintu Gerbang Firdaus ditutup karena Hawa tetapi berkat Maria pintu tersebut dibuka kembali, perkataan ini berarti menekankan kekuasaan Maria sebagai Perantara Keselamatn umat manusia. Ini karena ia adalah Bunda Allah, yang mengandung Putra Allah, Sang Penebus dan menganugerahi-Nya kepada Dunia. Tetapi ia juga perantara keselamatan karena ia adalah Penebus Serta dari umat manusia. Ia bekerjasama dengan Allah Putra dalam penyelamatan umat manusia dengan mengurbankan kedudukannya yang anmat besar yakni dengan menyatukan dirinya dengan Penderitaan Putranya selama Kesengsaraan dan Kematian-Nya di Salib.
Suatu lagu Liturgi latin memuji :
"Pintu gerbang yang menerangi kegelapan kami,
Engkau yang membuka Taman Eden bagi kami;
Malaui engkau Sang Penebus dating dan
Segala bangsa kembali kepada Bapa".

Dalam, sajak itu Maria dipuji karena malaui Dia sang penebus dating ke dunia dan melalui Dia segala bangsa dapat kembali kepada Bapa. Demikianlah bagaimana pintu-pintu gerbang Taman Eden (Firdaus), yakni pintu-pintu gerbang dari Firdaus duniawi ditutup oleh Allah setelah dosa asal Adam dan Hawa, dan dijaga beberapa Kerub (Kej 3 : 24).
Saat Nabi Yehezkiel melihat pintu gerbang dari Bait Allah, yang ia pandang dalam suatu penglihatan, berkata "Kemudian ia membawa aku kembali ke pintu gerbang luar dari tempat kudus, yang menghadap ke timur, gerbang ini tertutup. Lalu Tuhan berfirman kepadaku, "Pintu gerbang ini harus tetap tertutup, jangan sibuka dan jangan seorang pun masuk dari situ".(Yeh 44 : 1-2)

Para bapa Gereja mengintrepretasi jalan ini dengan symbol-simbol Maria secara logika, melalui marialah Tuhan Yesus datang di dunia. Karena itu Dia adalah Bait Allah yang Baru, dengan lahirnya Yesus melalui Maria Tuhan menyucikan Dia dengan kehadiran-Nya, menyucikan Dia dengan keperawann-Nya. Oleh sebab itu, Gereja menyatakan Bunda maria sebagai Perawan Abadi. Dengan demikian, Maria menjadi contoh sublime bagi semua umat menusia yang dalam jejak kaki Maria hendak mengabdikan keperawanan jiwa dan raga mereka kepada Kristus serta memberi-Nya kepada dunia.

Sumber Majalah Missio Immaculatae International No 9 Nov.05

Ave Maris Stella

Ave Maris Stella

Ave, Maris Stella, Dei Mater alma, Atque semper virgo, Felix coeli porta.
Sumens illud Ave, Gabrielis ore, Funda nos in pace, Mutans Evae nomen.
Solve vincia reis, Profer lumen caecis, Mala nostra pelle, Bona cuncta posce.
Monstra te esse Matrem, Sumat per te preces, Qui pro nobis natus, Tulit esse tuus.
Virgo singularis, Inter omnes mitis, Nos culpis solutos, Mites fac et castos.
Vitam praesta puram, Iter para tutum; Ut videntes Jesum, Semper collaetemur.
Sit laus Deo Patri, Summo Christo decus, Spiritui Sancto, Tribus honor unus.  Amen.

Ave Maris Stella

Ave Maris Stella

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ave Maris Stella (Latin, "Hail Star of the Sea") is a plainsong Vespers hymn to Mary. It is of uncertain origin and can be dated back at least as far as the eighth century. It was especially popular in the Middle Ages and has been used by many composers as the basis of other compositions. The creation of the original hymn has been attributed to several people, including Saint Venantius Fortunatus and Hermannus Contractus. The melody is found in the Irish plainsong "Gabhaim Molta Bríde", a piece in praise of St. Bridget. The popular modern hymn Hail Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star, is loosely based on this plainsong original.
It finds particular prominence in the "Way of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary" by Saint Louis de Montfort.


Latin Lyrics

The Latin text of the hymn as authorized for use in the Liturgy of the Hours of the Roman Rite (ordinary form) is the following:
Ave, maris stella,
Dei mater alma,
atque semper virgo,
felix cœli porta.
Hail, star of the sea,
Nurturing Mother of God,
And ever Virgin
Happy gate of Heaven.
Sumens illud «Ave»
Gabrielis ore,
funda nos in pace,
mutans Evæ nomen.
Receiving that "Ave" (hail)
From the mouth of Gabriel,
Establish us in peace,
Transforming the name of "Eva" (Eve).
Solve vincla reis,
profer lumen cæcis,
mala nostra pelle,
bona cuncta posce.
Loosen the chains of the guilty,
Send forth light to the blind,
Our evil do thou dispel,
Entreat (for us) all good things.
Monstra te esse matrem,
sumat per te precem
qui pro nobis natus
tulit esse tuus.
Show thyself to be a Mother:
Through thee may he receive prayer
Who, being born for us,
Undertook to be thine own.
Virgo singularis,
inter omnes mitis,
nos culpis solutos
mites fac et castos.
O unique Virgin,
Meek above all others,
Make us, set free from (our) sins,
Meek and chaste.
Vitam præsta puram,
iter para tutum,
ut videntes Jesum
semper collætemur.
Bestow a pure life,
Prepare a safe way:
That seeing Jesus,
We may ever rejoice.
Sit laus Deo Patri,
summo Christo decus,
Spiritui Sancto
honor, tribus unus. Amen.
Praise be to God the Father,
To the Most High Christ (be) glory,
To the Holy Spirit
(Be) honour, to the Three equally. Amen.

 Acadian Anthem

Ave Maris Stella is the anthem of the Acadians, a francophone community in the Canadian Maritimes distinct from the French-Canadians of Quebec. The Acadians were highly influenced by the Roman Catholic Church, and had and still have a high degree of devotion to the Virgin Mary. As such, Acadia's symbols reflect its people's beliefs. This is particularly evident in their anthem which instead of being written in French is written in Latin.
It was adopted as the anthem of the Acadian people at the Second Acadian National Convention, held in Miscouche, Prince Edward Island in 1884. To this day, it remains a source of Acadian patriotism.
The hymn was sung in its original version until French lyrics were finally composed in 1994. The French lyrics are attributed to Jacinthe Laforest, from Mont-Carmel, Prince Edward Island, who submitted her lyrics during a contest held throughout the Maritimes by the Société nationale de l'Acadie in search of French lyrics. Out of respect for the original hymn, the first verse in the Acadian national anthem remains in Latin.

These are the lyrics, in French. The first verse is in Latin, and is repeated at the end of the hymn.

Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta

Acadie ma patrie
À ton nom je me lie
Ma vie, ma foi sont à toi
Tu me protégeras
Tu me protégeras

Acadie ma patrie
Ma terre et mon défi
De près, de loin tu me tiens
Mon cœur est acadien
Mon cœur est acadien

Acadie ma patrie
Ton histoire je la vis
La fierté je te la dois
En l'Avenir je crois
En l'Avenir je crois

Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta

The Anthem in English

Called: Star of the Sea, we hail Thee

This is an English transliteration of the Acadian National Hymn. The first verse and last verse are still in Latin:

Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta

Acadia my homeland
To your name I draw myself
My life, my faith belong to you
You will protect me
You will protect me

Acadia my homeland
My land and my challenge
From near, from far you hold onto me
My heart is Acadian
My heart is Acadian

Acadia my homeland
I live your history
I owe you my pride
I believe in your future
I believe in your future

Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta

Notable musical settings

The plainchant hymn has been developed by many composers from pre-baroque to the present day. The Roman Rite employs three different plainchant tunes for the Ave Maris Stella (designated for solemnities, feasts, and memorials of the Blessed Virgin Mary). The plainchant tune has also been used as the cantus firmus for polyphonic settings of the mass, including those by Josquin and Victoria.[citation needed]
Renaissance settings include those by Felice Anerio, Palestrina and Byrd. Baroque settings include Monteverdi's Vespro della Beata Vergine 1610. Romantic settings include those by Grieg and Liszt. Contemporary settings include those by Peter Maxwell Davies and Trond Kverno[citation needed]. A newer version of Ave Maris Stella is arranged by Mark Thomas for a large choir arrangment or unison choir.


  1. ^  "Ave Maris Stella". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.
  2. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=y1py-a52yO4C&pg=PA100&lpg=PA100&dq=%22Ave,+praeclara+maris+stella%22&source=bl&ots=ySDkPcDs5i&sig=MYlFSecU08QQck-iEtIIz4fXH78&hl=en&ei=v2A0TcmZEceaOo61vbUC&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CFIQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=%22Ave%2C%20praeclara%20maris%20stella%22&f=false
  3. ^ a  Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes, 1983.
  4. ^ Also spelled Hevæ.
  5. ^ The word "Hail" in Latin [Ave] is the reverse spelling of the Latin for "Eve" [Eva].
  6. ^ Thus in the original, see Te Decet Hymnus, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1984, p. 255 and Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes, 1983; Pope Urban VIII's 17th-century revision has preces here.
  7. ^ Thus in Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes, 1983. Pope Urban VIII's text has Spiritui Sancto, Tribus honor unus.
  8. ^ "Ave maris stella" at Free Choral Sheet Music site, accessed October 7, 2010.

 External links


Ave Maris Stella

Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.
Ave Maris Stella ("Dirgahayu Bintang Lautan") adalah Lagu Gereja dinyanyikan untuk Maryam. Asal usulnya tidak diketahui dan ia telah wujud semenjak kurun ke-8 Masihi. Lagu ini sangat popular ketika Zaman Pertengahan dan digunakan oleh ramai penggubah lagu sebagai asas untuk menggubah lagu baru yang lain. Penggubahan lagu asalnya telah dikaitkan dengan beberapa individu, contohnya Saint Venantius Fortunatus.[1]. Melodinya juga dapat ditemui dalam lagu gereja orang Irish, "Gabhaim Molta Bride", satu lagu pujaan untuk St.Bridget. Lagu moden yang popular Hail Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star, digubah berasaskan irama Ave Maris Stella yang asal.

Isi kandungan

Lirik dalam Bahasa Latin

Teks Bahasa Latin untuk lagu ini yang diguna dalam upacara Liturgy of the Hours di Roman Rite (bentuk biasa) adalah seperti berikut:

Lirik dalam Bahasa Latin
Ave, maris stella,
Déi mater alma,
atque semper virgo,
félix caeli porta.
Sumens illud «Ave»
Gabriélis ore,
funda nos in pace,
mutans Evae nomen.
Solve vincla reis,
profer lumen caecis,
mala nostra pelle,
bona cuncta posce.
Monstra te esse matrem,
sumat per te precem
qui pro nobis natus
tulit esse tuus.
Virgo singuláris,
inter omnes mitis,
nos culpis solútos
mites fac et castos.
Vitam praesta puram,
iter para tutum,
ut vidéntes Iesum
semper collaetémur.
Sit laus Deo Patri,
summo Christo decus,
Spirítui Sancto
honor, tribus unus. Amen.

Lirik dalam Bahasa Inggeris
Hail, star of the sea,
Nurturing Mother of God,
And ever Virgin
Happy gate of Heaven.
Receiving that "Ave" (hail)
From the mouth of Gabriel,
Establish us in peace,
Transforming the name of "Eva" (Eve)**
Loosen the chains of the guilty,
Send forth light to the blind,
Our evil do thou dispel,
Entreat (for us) all good things.
Show thyself to be a Mother:
Through thee may he (Jesus) receive (our) prayer
Who, being born for us,
Undertook to be thine own (Son).
O unique Virgin,
Meek above all others,
Make us, set free from (our) sins,
Meek and chaste.
Bestow a pure life,
Prepare a safe way:
That seeing Jesus,
We may ever rejoice.
Praise be to God the Father,
To the Most High Christ (be) glory,
To the Holy Spirit
(Be) honor, to the Three equally. Amen.

Lirik dalam Bahasa Melayu
Dirgahayu bintang lautan,
Yang mengasuh Ibu Tuhan,
Dan perawan abadi
Pintu kegembiraan di Syurga.
Menerima "Ave" (dirgahayu) itu
Dari mulut Gabriel,
Membawa keamanan kepada kita,
Mengubah nama "Eva" (Hawa)(Eve)**
Menghilangkan rasa bersalah,
Memberikan sinar kepada yang buta,
Kau lenyapkan kejahatan kami,
Kami merayu segala kebaikan.
Tunjukkan dirimu sebagai seorang Ibu:
Melaluimu, Dia (Jesus) menerima doa' kami
Dia (Jesus) yang lahir untuk kami,
Yang menjadi milikmu (seorang anak)
Oh Perawan istimewa,
Kecantikan melebihi segalanya,
Bebaskan kami dari dosa-dosa kami,
Cantik dan Suci.
Anugerahkanlah hidup yang suci,
Sediakanlah jalan yang selamat:
Agar menemui Jesus,
Sesuatu yang kami raikan.
Puji pujian buat Tuhan Bapa,
Untuk penyelamat agung, (agar) gemilang
Untuk Roh kudus
(Agar) Hormat, untuk ketiga-tiganya. Amen.
(**)Perkataan "Dirgahayu" dalam Bahasa Latin [Ave] adalah ejaan terbalik "Eve" [Eva].

Lagu Kebangsaan Acadia

Ave Maris Stella adalah lagu kebangsaan orang Acadia, sebuah komuniti berbahasa Perancis di Maritimes Kanada yang berbeza dari orang Perancis Kanada di Quebec. Orang Acadia berada di bawah pengaruh Gereja Roman Katolik, dan masih berpegang teguh pada penyembahan Maryam. Oleh sebab itu, simbol-simbol Acadia menggambarkan kepercayaan teguh mereka, contohnya pada lagu kebangsaan mereka yang bukan ditulis dalam Bahasa Perancis sebaliknya dalam Bahasa Latin.
Orang Acadia mengangkat lagu ini menjadi lagu kebangsaan mereka di Konvensyen Kebangsaan Acadia Ke-2, yang diadakan di Miscouche, Prince Edward Island pada tahun 1884. Sehingga hari ini, ia menjadi simbol semangat Patriotisme orang Acadia.
Lagu ini pada mulanya dinyanyikan dalam lirik asalnya sebelum lirik versi Bahasa Perancis digubah pada tahun 1994. Lirik versi Bahasa Perancis ini digubah oleh Jacinthe LaForest dari Mont-Carmel, Prince Edward Island, yang menyertai sebuah pertandingan yang dianjurkan oleh Société nationale de l'Acadie dalam pencarian lirik dalam Bahasa Perancis. Untuk menghormati lagu yang asal, rangkap pertama dalam Bahasa Latin telah dikekalkan dan diulang pada penghujung lagu.

Lirik dalam Bahasa Perancis
Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta
Acadie ma patrie
À ton nom je me lie
Ma vie, ma foi sont à toi
Tu me protégeras
Tu me protégeras
Acadie ma patrie
Ma terre et mon défi
De près, de loin tu me tiens
Mon cœur est acadien
Mon cœur est acadien
Acadie ma patrie
Ton histoire je la vis
La fierté je te la dois
En l'Avenir je crois
En l'Avenir je crois
Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta

Lirik dalam Bahasa Inggeris
Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta
Acadia my homeland
To your name I draw myself
My life, my faith belong to you
You will protect me
You will protect me
Acadia my homeland
My land and my challenge
From near, from far you hold onto me
My heart is Acadian
My heart is Acadian
Acadia my homeland
I live your history
I owe you my pride
I believe in your future
I believe in your future
Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta

Lirik dalam Bahasa Melayu
Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta
Acadia tanah airku
Ku bawakan diriku kepada namamu
Hidupku dan imanku adalah milikmu
Kau akan melindungiku
Kau akan melindungiku
Acadia tanah airku
Tanahku dan cabaranku
Kau tetap denganku, dari dekat, dari jauh
Hatiku adalah Acadia
Hatiku adalah Acadia
Acadia tanah airku
Ku hidupkan sejarahmu
Ku berhutang denganmu harga diri
Ku percayakan masa depanmu
Ku percayakan masa depanmu
Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo
Felix Coeli Porta
Felix Coeli Porta


  1. Catholic Encyclopedia Article.
  2. Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes, 1983.

Pautan luar


Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn (Lithuanian: Aušros Vartų Dievo Motina, Polish: Matka Boska Ostrobramska, Belarusian: Маці Божая Вастрабрамская) is the prominent painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary venerated by the faithful in the Chapel of the Gate of Dawn in Vilnius, Lithuania. The Renaissance painting, completed possibly in the first half of the 17th century, is an unusual portrayal of Madonna as she is depicted without infant Jesus. The artwork soon became known as miraculous and inspired a following. A dedicated chapel was built in 1671 by the Discalced Carmelites. At the same time, possibly borrowing from the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the painting was covered in expensive and elaborate silver and gold clothes leaving only the face and hands visible. In the following centuries, the following grew stronger and Our Lady became an important part of religious life in Vilnius. The following inspired many copies in Lithuania, Poland, and diaspora communities worldwide. The chapel was visited by Pope John Paul II in 1993. It is a major site of pilgrimage in Vilnius and attracts many visitors, especially from Poland.

Ave Regina Caelorum

Ave, Regina Caelorum,
Ave, Domina Angelorum:
Salve, radix, salve, porta
Ex qua mundo lux est orta:
Gaude, Virgo gloriosa,
Super omnes speciosa,
Vale, o valde decora,
Et pro nobis Christum exora.
V. Dignare me laudare te, Virgo sacrata.
R. Da mihi virtutem contra hostes tuos.
Oremus: Concede, misericors Deus, fragilitati nostrae praesidium: ut, qui sanctae Dei Genitricis memoriam agimus; intercessionis eius auxilio, a nostris iniquitatibus resurgamus. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Alma Redemptoris Mater

Alma Redemptoris Mater, quae pervia caeli Porta manes, et stella maris, succurre cadenti, Surgere qui curat, populo: tu quae genuisti, Natura mirante, tuum sanctum Genitorem Virgo prius ac posterius, Gabrielis ab ore Sumens illud Ave, peccatorum miserere.
From the first Sunday of Advent until Christmas Eve:
V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.
Gratiam tuam quæsumus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde; ut qui, angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui Incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem, ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
From First Vespers of Christmas until the Presentation:
V. Post Partum Virgo inviolata permansisti. R. Dei Genitrix, intercede pro nobis.
Deus, qui salutis aeternae beatae Mariae virginitate foecunda humano generi praemia praestitisti: tribue, quaesumus, ut ipsam pro nobis intercedere sentiamus, per quam meruimus, Auctorem vitae suscipere Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum. Amen.

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